蒼鬱沁淨域 清雅漫生機


設計概念 Design Concept


之餘設計 李宜家 設計總監 呼應注重天然與環保的品牌宗旨,透過壁面豐富的植物圖樣引入自然生機,並採用低碳、無綴飾的裝修手法,除了會議室、接待櫃檯及部分廊道,其餘空間不加裝天花板,形塑俐落工業風,而全案皆使用綠建材標章材料,在顧及環境之餘,更替員工及客戶營造無毒舒適的工作場域

A soothing deep blue accompanies crisp fresh whites, enhanced by geometric and linear patterns, crafting a spacious and minimalist commercial space. Upon close inspection, delicate strokes on the walls depict lively florals, enveloping visitors in lush scenery, gently bringing the natural ambiance into the otherwise high-tech environment, leaving a professional yet welcoming impression.

In harmony with the brand's focus on natural and eco-friendly values, the lush botanical patterns on the walls introduce a sense of vitality and employ low-carbon, unadorned decoration techniques. Apart from the conference rooms, reception desk, and certain corridors, no false ceilings were used, creating a clean loft style. Throughout the project, Between design's design director Angela Lee carefully exploits materials bearing green building certifications, ensuring an eco-friendly and toxin-free workspace for employees and clients.

設計手法 Design Techniques

天然品牌 長遠歷史

Natural Brand with a Rich Heritage


Considering the proprietor's role as a distributor of natural health products, the blue-themed wall murals prominently feature the company's primary color. Combining hot stamping and botanical patterns, we artfully craft an image that exudes a sense of natural authenticity. Furthermore, throughout various corridors, information about the company's history, vision, motto, and product manufacturing processes are thoughtfully presented for visitors to explore, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the brand's evolution.

動線分流 合宜機能

Versatile Functionality with Efficient Flow


We meticulously design three separate circulation paths to accommodate different functions in this project that encompass space for offices, visitor reception, and employee training. This layout allows individuals to move directly to their intended areas after exiting the elevators, preventing congestion and ensuring clear pathways. The public areas feature numerous small meeting rooms and tables for discussions or signings. Furthermore, two of the three spacious training rooms can be interconnected, enhancing flexibility in utilization.

柔和曲弧 半開放場域

Semi-Open Space with Gentle Curves


We skillfully reconfigure a semi-open layout for this project, creating a bright and uncluttered reception and office environment. Paired with simple and elegant lighting fixtures, it embodies a modern and stylish ambiance. The incorporation of curved elements in the ceiling design not only adds a soft, pleasant touch to the space but also subtly defines areas, maintaining a clean and organized visual appeal.


Open Reception Area


Incorporating the delightful outdoor scenery, the open reception area features light green and bright orange sofas by the windows, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for business discussions. On the adjacent wall, we meticulously set up a capsule-shaped stereoscopic display panel, with the insides mimicking a forest pattern created by layers of stacked acrylic boards with plant motifs, imparting a natural and pristine impression.


Reception Counter


The main feature wall behind the counter is constructed with panels with a raster display system, creating a shimmering and shifting wave-like pattern as the viewing angle and lighting change. This design perfectly resonates with the brand's values of nature, sunlight, and health. In the center, we installed a stone-patterned island counter with a POS machine, complemented by a small service desk next to the product displays, providing customers with a place to order and collect their items.


Interior Office Space


We delicately present the glass walls of the small meeting rooms in different colors to complement the corridor. These colorful glass walls not only make it easy to see inside but also add a lively and playful ambiance to the area. At the entrance of the training classrooms, you'll find booth seating for the convenience of the training staff to take short breaks.







OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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金管會將建立房貸流量控管機制 要求銀行優先承作這3類案件

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




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