蘊藏奢雅於無形 淬釀緻韻入朗境


設計概念Design Concept


為求視覺上的俐落齊整,御坊室內設計 張博昱 設計總監、高慧雅 設計師 利用曲面和線版,將所有電器管線及收納機能,收束於天花板和壁面之內。弧形天花象徵流水,拼接石板寄寓靠山,大片落地窗迎納光與風,自玄關的粼粼水花流瀉一室,挹注「風生、水起、光亮」的聚財意象,內斂而風雅。看似張形時則藏形,於有形之中蘊藏無形,因之命名為《藏.韻》,典藏屋宅的大氣風韻。

A spacious open concept space encompasses stone and wood patterns revealing a grand style. Due to the homeowner working as a financial planner, the home has to implement a lot of gatherings and meetings. Therefore, we created this project as a mesmerizing vacation home in simple luxury outside the hectic urban. Removing partition walls, we integrated the living room and the dining room and shaped a mountain view in a dark color scheme. The virtual mountain image blends with the outdoor greenery in the interior via various lighting fixtures and trim features.

Yufang Design’s design director Chang Po Yu, designer Kao Hui Ya concealed the electric wires and storage cabinets in the curved ceiling and decorative wall panels to make a clean and clutter-free view. The faux ceiling symbolizes the water flows, and the spliced stone panels play as a backing mountain. A large French window invites the natural light and wind, echoing the water splashes at the entryway. The vacation home comprehensively collects the wealth charm of Feng-Shui, distinctively and understatedly. Thence, we named the project “Treasure of Charms’’.

設計手法 Design Techniques

選材佈局 挹注聚財意象

Materials & Configuration of Inviting Wealth Approaches


We practiced an ushering in wealth and prosperity approach of Feng-Shui philosophy to associate the homeowner’s financial career. Imagery related to flowing water began with the entryway marble flooring, titanium-plated room divider, and the electroplating art of splashes. A large area of curved ceiling connects the living room and the dining room; besides, we installed recessed indirect lighting to present shimmering water flow charms. Moreover, the black granite TV wall worked in concert with the decorative stone wall panels behind the sofa; the rocky elements shaped extensive mountain images. Taking a glance from the entryway, the flowing stream and a backing mountain from low to high configuration seamlessly indicate a fortunate image.

空間整合 美型機能兼具

Aesthetic & Functional Open Layout Plan


We broke down the partition walls and planned the circulation following the beams and columns to build a broad and grand home. Taking advantage of the curved ceiling pattern, we organized the wiring system in the cabinetry rather than a modular power supply. Additionally, we utilized CNC cutting machinery that helped save working time and reduce waste. Eco-friendly technology also presents perfect accuracy of space usage. The storage spaces were covered behind the wall along the hallway in a serial pattern from the sofa background wall to the private domains. The hallway piece-together design was amazingly aesthetic and functional.

完善規劃 滿足會議需求

Comprehensive Equipment Satisfies Conference requirement


To meet the requirement of frequent meetings, we built an open space implementing the guests' smooth moving flows. The room divider at the entryway unobtrusively separated dual paths access to the public areas. Enhanced facilitation, the voice control technology was applied to the lighting, electric appliances, and windows. In addition, we installed energy recovery ventilation to provide high air quality. To prevent noise interference during meetings, we enhanced soundproofing constructions of the ceiling and walls. By the acoustic treatment, the noise level performs a 40 dB reduction. Furthermore, mount two pieces of lacquered glass that served as writing boards on the back of the room divider and the side of the counter. They are handy for taking notes randomly.




We built a statement divider unobtrusively to distinguish separate spaces while creating dual access to the public area. In this manner, the room divider implemented a spacious feel and smooth flow. The entryway as the window dressing of the home, we staged an artwork of water splashes on a titanium-plated golden background shelf, which presented a gallery-like scene. This artwork of fluid pattern integrating the curve-shaped ceiling design symbolizes abundant wealth coming generously. At the back of the divider was installed a cabinet with lacquered glass doors; the aesthetic and functional lacquered glass served as a writing board for conducting meetings.


Living Room



The spacious living room exuded a reposeful vibe in a dark gray scheme. A large area of clear white ceiling harmonized with the color palette, and its curved shape extended the streaming image from the entryway to the dining area. In addition, the living room coordinated with the dining room by following the ceiling outline. The patterned ceiling design helped organize and hide the wiring and beams; it surprisingly presented an elegant accent.

Brazilian black granite TV wall cladding contributed a grand style. Then, we built a storage room behind the sofa background wall, and the facade was installed with Eco-friendly decorative PU stonewall panels. The rocky embellishment performed a natural view integrating the outdoor greenery. Besides using Eco-friendly construction materials for the room facade, we also adopted a CNC machinery system that can reduce wastage and working time. We try our best to decrease Eco-consumption.


Dining Room


First, we planned a T-patterned circulation around the dining table and the counter. Bringing a bistro vibe to the space, the focal point accentuated at the showcase cabinet incorporated storage and display. Next, we installed a 100-inch voice control ceiling recessed projector screen above the cabinet. The homeowners can enjoy a movie or a sports game on the large screen synchronized with the TV in the living room. Third, the lacquered glass wall mounted on the neighboring counter served as a writing board during meetings. Finally, install motion sensor lights along the hallway to the private domains so that the brightness would occur gradually with each step and create a gradation of light and shadow.





We planned a multipurpose study room. The homeowner can utilize it as a home office or play piano on ordinary days; the space can transform flexibly into a guest room as long as putting down the wall bed to receive close visitors. Besides, we set improved dark wood-veneered custom modular cabinet to organize clutters, such as, the paneled facade adjacent to the piano, invisibly concealing the low voltage wiring system.

On the custom modular cabinet fronts, we opted for fabric textured decorative furniture foil; it benefited short working time and abrasion resistance. Then, adopt light gray ceramic wall finishing, which features stain resistance and easy maintenance to balance the dark scheme of wood paneling.


Master Bedroom


The headboard wall was finished with modular furniture veneers with titanium-plated steel trims. The selection of materials reduced consumables and formaldehyde emitting. Besides, the decoration elements differed from the carpentry in moisture-proof and abrasion resisting. The dressing table cohered the decoration ideas of the public area that incorporated indirect lighting and recessed power sockets. Moreover, we added storage cabinets above the mirror. As a result, the well-organized room provided the homeowners with a cozy resting space.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

新青安助八行庫增逾2萬房貸新戶飆次高 這項業務轉熱

新青安助八行庫增逾2萬房貸新戶飆次高 這項業務轉熱

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




蘆竹新建案兩層樓店面1.46億元成交 超車中壢登桃園店面總價王

蘆竹新建案兩層樓店面1.46億元成交 超車中壢登桃園店面總價王

行庫消化不動產授信案 估放款集中度減降要等明年

行庫消化不動產授信案 估放款集中度減降要等明年

賴正鎰:台中市13年暴增20萬人 撐起房市一片天

賴正鎰:台中市13年暴增20萬人 撐起房市一片天


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