夢織紅樓韻 華光滄桑融影來


設計概念 Design Concept


呼應商空主打的粵菜佳餚,以及品牌名中的「紅樓」二字,簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 由經典文學《紅樓夢》之章節〈壽怡紅群芳開夜宴〉發想,將宴中高朋滿座、人來人往的歡笑畫面,與調和多元文化的老上海風格重疊,以昏黃朦朧的微光,烘托木皮、藤編、雕紋屏風等中式元素,佐搭線板、鍍鈦鐵件及各式燈具,造就東西合璧的繁華宴景,賦予訪客重返1920年代十里洋場般的沉浸體驗,也透過異材展顯古今並存的混搭美感,象徵餐廳持續創新懷舊餐點的經營理念。

An elevator swiftly transports one from the light-hued hotel lobby to early 20th-century Shanghai. Delicate sphere pendant lights elegantly greet guests, casting a gentle glow that enhances the serene ambiance. The exquisite stone-patterned flooring and richly textured dark wood walls create a sophisticated contrast, harmoniously blending modern elements with vintage charm. This graceful and welcoming environment evokes the allure of the bustling, enchanting Shanghai International Settlement, enveloping guests in a timeless and immersive experience.

Paying homage to the rich tapestry of Cantonese cuisine and the evocative name Red Chamber, INK DESIGN SPACE's presiding designer Kathy Chien drew inspiration from the iconic literary chapter “The Night of the Grand Feast in the Happy Red Court” in Dream of the Red Chamber. This scene, filled with laughter and mingling guests, seamlessly merges with the old Shanghai style and diverse cultures, characterized by dim, ambient lighting that delicately accentuates traditional Chinese elements such as wood veneers, rattans, and intricately carved screens. These are gracefully paired with molding, titanium-plated ironworks, and an array of light fixtures, creating a luxurious banquet setting that embodies a harmonious blend of Eastern and Western aesthetics. This design invites guests to immerse themselves in the vibrant experience of 1920s Shanghai, while the eclectic mix of materials symbolizes the restaurant’s dedication to innovating nostalgic cuisine.

設計手法 Design Techniques

巧運軟裝 形塑百變風貌

Crafting Versatile Ambiances Through Skillful Soft Furnishing


This project introduces a core soft furnishing design rarely used by the team, artfully arranging various furnishings with contrasting materials, patterns, and decorative elements. This approach brings to life the eclectic artistic essence of the old Shanghai style, harmoniously blending diverse influences. Complementing this are unique statement light fixtures in each area, paired with adjustable ambient lighting, creating a dining environment that evokes the subtle, dimly lit interiors of the early 20th century.

思量需求 安排適切動線

Thoughtful Consideration of Requirements and Flow


Considering the needs of front-of-house reception and back-of-house service, three carefully planned pathways offer smooth flow: one for staff, one for hotel guests, and one for business office access. This thoughtful arrangement prevents conflicts between servers entering the kitchen and guests finding seats. Additionally, the design accommodates the bar’s operational hours by enabling the closure of the route to the shared office space at night, leaving a single entrance for guests, thereby significantly enhancing the overall security of the restaurant.

重視環保 延循舊有硬裝

Emphasizing Sustainability with Retained Hard Furnishings


We preserved the existing partitions, flooring, and flat ceilings to minimize material waste and reduce the environmental impact of this renovation project. By focusing primarily on soft furnishing, the design allows for effortless updates in response to changes in the interior design or evolving trends, requiring only the replacement of soft furnishings to create a refreshing, welcoming ambiance. This approach aligns with the principles of environmental sustainability and long-term conservation.


Reception Counter


Upon entering the restaurant, a refined reception desk crafted from rich wood, adorned with metal trims and stone accents, welcomed the guests, all set against the luxurious backdrop of black marble flooring that exudes contemporary sophistication. Adjacent to the reception, dark wood panel molding showcases an exquisite ink-wash floral painting, while an openwork screen on the opposite side artfully integrates elements of classical Chinese elegance.


Seating Area


The seating area presents a sophisticated fusion of classic velvet sofas and rustic rattan chairs, all anchored by wooden-clad columns that effortlessly blend Eastern and Western aesthetics. A circular ceiling light fixture gracefully illuminates the space, accentuating the convergence of diverse cultural elements. In the bar area, vintage grille doors and antique mirrors further evoke the vibrant allure of Shanghai’s historic nightlife, where intellectuals once gathered to socialize and exchange ideas.


Private Room


In the private dining room, the design seamlessly integrates Oriental charm with modern sophistication. The space features wallpaper adorned with delicate botanical motifs, wood-patterned flooring, and a traditional round dining table, all complemented by elegant neo-classical soft furnishings and a striking statement lighting fixture. These elements uphold the restaurant’s overarching old Shanghai aesthetic while creating a serene and private dining environment, further enhanced by sound-absorbing materials such as upholstered wall panels. The room’s dedicated washroom exudes refined elegance with herringbone-patterned deep green wall tiles, blue-and-white floral floor tiles, and gold-framed mirrors with matching fixtures, infusing the intimate space with a subtle yet sophisticated grace.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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