緻墨撇捺挑勾縱橫 純白時尚點染暄和


設計概念 Design Concept


依循業主考量,崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸 設計師 置入輕盈的玻璃屏風與鏤空櫃體,兼顧設計美感與隱私性,從而巧妙化解風水疑慮,賦予未來生活順遂美好的期許;宅邸內則重劃隔間及廊道立面,同時增添轉角處的收納應用,細膩打造視野整潔且機能便利的質感家宅。

The deep, vivid ink color complements the clean white hue vertically and horizontally, shaping clear spatial boundaries. Then, coupled with stable, gray marbling walls, balmy timber elements, and glossy decorative light fixtures understatedly manifest an elegant fashion style.

C. J. HOUSE DESIGN designers Cheng Liao and Jung Liao set up a lightweight figured glass screen and the chase cabinetry, which achieve aesthetics and privacy features. Also, skillfully resolving the homeowners' concerns about geomancy taboo and fulfilling their expectations for a better, joyful life. Re-configure the layouts and corridors, and add storage settings at the corner, brilliantly creating a delicate home possesses clean and tidy views and convenient functionality.

設計手法 Design Techniques

墨色縱橫 演繹時空推移

Geometrical and irregular features imply the passages of time


Paint the tray ceilings in the living room and the study with pure white cement and frame with an inky tinge, successfully weakening the bulky feeling of the crossbeam and scoping the functional areas below. Furthermore, embed differing length black illumination notches above the walkway at the foyer, and the corridor outside the private domains, which agree with the clear linear patterns and abstractly indicate the image of the flowing time through the irregular arrangement.

豐富紋理 多元情境機能

Rich-textured materials and multi-functioned layouts


Exploit multi-colored system panels to finish this project. Set up gray marble-veined walls and gentle wooden cabinets agreeably add rich-textured settings to an otherwise simple black-and-white base tone. Moreover, install glossy metallic cylinder pendant lights to bring a high-end, stylish charm and brilliantly correlate to the selected materials and color schemes in the building hall. To meet the householders' diverse favored styles, we plan a simple Japanese-style room with a tatami arrangement, with the functions of making tea, unwinding, and receiving guests to stay overnight, perfectly balancing aesthetics and practicality.

重視風水 完整善用空間

Value geomancy taboos; ingeniously make full use of the spaces


Because the homeowner pays attention to the geomancy taboos, we utilize figured glass to set a screen in the foyer, ingeniously solving the worry of an evil hallway. In addition, set up a large shoe cabinet that slightly screens the dining area at the rear and holds privacy when having meals. To maximize utilized the home spaces, we expanded the original kitchen outward and equipped an aluminum-framed glass door to block the cooking oil fume. And set wall-mounted shelves and storage cabinets in the corner to satisfy the living needs.


Entryway foyer


At the entrance, hang a suspended screen with figured glass, skillfully solve geomancy taboo and introduce natural lighting. The partial-chased design of the floor-to-ceiling shoe cabinet on the left-hand side adds a captivating feature and creates a sense of visual penetration. Moreover, install a cylinder pendant light to correspond to the identical-shaped ceiling light fixture in the dining area, resulting in a connected space.


Open plan living room with a study


Erect a half-height partition wall to configure an adjoined study to the living room to meet the homeowner's need for working from home. Then select a black sofa and light gray single chairs to work in concert with the dark-pale color scheme of the ceiling. Set the TV wall and the opposite built-in bookshelf back wall with gray marble. Moreover, fix lightweight floating wall-mounted racks and the TV stand, and symmetrically arrange pastel white storage cabinets beside the windows, excellently integrating the varied materials and colors.


Dining area


Make good use of the turning corner of the kitchen and dining area to arrange a storage space. And take advantage of the consistent design with the bookshelf wall in the study, favorably displaying book collections and artworks; besides, it is handy to use small kitchen appliances such as a coffee machine and water boiler on the countertop. Embed a wooden cabinet in the dining area wall, which goes with the same-patterned cabinets in the foyer. Furthermore, install a row of stylish cylinder pendant light fixtures above the dining table, bringing a tasteful ambiance to the dining time.


Master bedroom


Laminate the main bedroom's bedside wall with printed PVC marble panels, which artfully integrate the Ensuite bathroom secret door through neat and clean splicing lines. Embed a strip light into the vertical-shaped black notch near the window to enhance the glamorous feature and romantic vibe. Arrange gray and white beddings that tone in the surrounding color scheme, and assort with a brown padded headboard to introduce pleasant coziness to the sleeping area.


Japanese-style room


Set a large-scale floor-to-ceiling storage cabinet in the multi-functional Japanese-style room; the cabinet door can be wide-open to provide a handy feature and ample storage space. Partially elevate the floor and pave rustic tatami mats, giving people a comfortable and relaxed feeling. In addition, install a chic cage-shaped bamboo-hanging lamp, calmly presenting the simplicity and leisure of Japanese-style life.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

6月建築融資餘額創高 房貸餘額同攀高點

6月建築融資餘額創高 房貸餘額同攀高點

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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