精粹玄景懷光影 木白綴合深蘊暖

設計概念 Design Concept
喬藝設計 王沁淩 設計總監 善用毛胚屋裝修自由的特性,重新梳理格局,增加夫妻二人相處同樂的空間,劃設造型俐落的斜切角天花板、多邊形書桌,並不時點綴中和冷冽調性的灰、白色彩,構築一座都會感十足的舒適家宅。
The warm-white lighting, the balmy pale wood flooring, the unique black ironwork furniture, and the leather element agreeably manifest a pristine yet warm picture of the home. Then, together with the captivating urbanscape, marvelously start a beautiful prelude of newlywed life.
Taking advantage of an unfinished house, which can plan at will, Chiauyi Interior Decoration Design design director Linda Wang re-configures the layouts to expand the spaces for the couples to get along and have fun. Set up sleek chamfered ceilings, place an unusual polygonal desk, and adopt pastel gray and white color schemes to moderate the chill base tone, successfully creating a comfortable and fashionable home.
設計手法 Design Techniques
純粹色調 巧變氛圍
Clear color schemes ingeniously bring about an agreeable, homey ambiance
The stable black, gray, and white furniture and furnishings, assort with the wood-grain stone plastic flooring, well balance the color shades of the space, moreover, bring variable ambiances through the changes of cold and warm lighting. And the patterns of the stylish living room, the concise study nook, and the inviting dining area strikingly satisfy the homeowners' preferences and hold the warmth of a home as well.
簡約線條 現代時尚
Concise linear features result in a modern, refined space
The chamfered ceiling of pared-down form and the recessed aluminum strip lights in the shared areas draw fashionable features. In addition, the curve edge furniture such as the coffee table, dining table, and dining chairs coordinate the surrounding square storage cabinets, interwoven with rigidity and softness, and enrich the linear gradation of the space.
通透格局 寬敞視野
See-through layouts lead to a capacious, unimpeded vision
Demolish the partition wall of the kitchen and replace it with an island; skillfully set up a spacious, transparent, open-patterned kitchen-dining area. And flip the original layouts of the study and dining area to fit the living habits of the householders. Place a polygonal table at the study that also serves as a computer desk so that the couple with similar interests can enjoy the happy hours of playing online games here.
The living room
The storage room behind the light-gray wooden wall at the rear of the sofa ingeniously conceals the audio-visual equipment, which operates via the embedded far-infrared control system; thereupon, to keep the opposite dark-black baking varnish TV wall a neat look. In addition, the staggered arrangement of the TV stand and the TV wall shows the beauty of smooth layers.
The study
Exploit black baking finish panels and solid wood veneers to decorate the appearance of display cabinets in the study. Then, install the illuminations behind the steel wall-mounted shelves to highlight the hi-tech-ish linear feature. The polygonal desk artfully corresponds to the ceiling through the identical curve and chamfer shapes. Set the desktop with an innovative material that is featured thermal healing smart technology, and hide the computer cables in the table leg and iron tube to keep the desktop clean and tidy.
The dining area
The grayish-black dining table and chairs in the center of the dining area soothe the chill and heavy feeling of deep tinges via the curved edge shape. The suspended large-scale storage cabinets present a lightweight look and equip warm illuminations at the bottom, gently bringing a cozy atmosphere to the dining time.
The master bedroom
The main bedroom adopts the gentle earth tone and clean black-gray-white color schemes to complement the vivid outdoor green scenery. Moreover, take advantage of the pastel brown built-in wardrobe and warm recessed lighting to bring an intimate vibe to the bridal room.

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