巧心細琢圓融雅境 熙光輝映義式風情


設計概念 Design Concept


簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 以現代簡約的義大利沙發為家宅規劃核心,並悉心調配用色、材質、光線、家具等配置,在偌大場域實踐「空間平衡」的設計理念;公領域採用開放式格局,私領域則維持使用獨立性,同時為各區天花板形塑獨特造型,化用結構梁柱為特殊擺設,輔以便利家電、環保地坪,打造兼具美感與機能的素雅家宅

The transparent French windows of the high-rise building reflect the magnificent urban view and drag captivating night scenes into the mansion. The dark brown and light beige surroundings go with comfortable sectional sofas, agreeably bringing a pleasant family gathering time.

INK DESIGN SPACE presiding designer Kathy Chien featured the modish simple Italian sectional sofas as the core of the interior design. Carefully arrange the color schemes, selected materials, brilliant illuminations, and homey furniture to achieve the design concept of creating a "well-balanced space." Plan an open-patterned public area and secluded private domains. In addition, set up unique-shaped faux ceilings to decorate the odd structural crossbeams. Then, take advantage of user-oriented home appliances and eco-friendly floorings, ultimately accomplishing a highbrow residence with both aesthetic and functional features.

設計手法 Design Techniques

簡約平衡 永恆價值

Homely, homogenized features bring eternal values


Centralize the design theme on the homeowner's favored Italian sofa, and adopt corresponding wooden elements, well-proportioned color schemes, and matched interior furnishings to reveal the contemporary minimalist style. We get rid of the conventional design ideas to flip the whole space with textured furniture. Set up greige-hued ceilings and dark-colored wooden grille settings; moreover, exploit soft wall coverings to match the solid marble walls, adding charming details. Beyond, embellish some areas with glossy PVC film wall finishes; pave engineered flooring in the bedrooms and wood-veined tile floors in the bathrooms. Successfully bring about a perpetual, eco-friendly home with healthy and durable green building materials.

開放格局 便利機能

Open, connected patterns achieve agreeable layouts


As the large-scale French windows can introduce excellent daylighting, we merely select adjustable light fixtures to achieve the illuminating demands. Plan an open living-dining area at the hub of the house and configure the private domains on both sides; skillfully fashion a shared field for family gathering activities and keep individual privacy as well. Meticulously pave the bathroom floor with non-slip wood-veined tiles and install a dehumidifier and an air-conditioner to meet the elders' needs. Furthermore, design adjoined dressing rooms with bedrooms, improving the convenience of stowing and picking personal items.

特殊造型 量身打造

Exceptional, unique settings meet custom-made requirements


We refer to the Italian furniture showroom to design a coffered ceiling with horizontal lighting arrangements in the living room and artfully show up the appealing charms with simple and delicate furniture. The oval-patterned dining room ceiling seamlessly corresponds to the shape of the dining table. Adopt the image of a swinging skirt to shape a multi-tiered false ceiling in the hostess's bedroom. To content the son's preference, we finish the young man's bedroom ceiling with black paint and install exposed frames and pipelines, boldly manifesting the rough features of the Industrial style.

活用結構 圓弧修飾

Make good use of fixed structure to present sleek decorative patterns


Exploit titanium steel plates to decorate the square pillar and match with a striking wall lamp, which serves as a featured artwork and complements the eye-catching wooden settings at the entrance; and indistinctly space off the living-dining areas via the reflective feature. Besides, we trimmed the living room and bathrooms' columns and beams with curve edges to relieve the security concern; and chose the homeowner's favored mosaic bricks to adorn the secondary bathroom's awkward column, which becomes a unique highlight. At last, skillfully take the chamfering technique to trim the sharp edges of the bedroom floor and achieve an agreeable, reassuring situation.


Living room


Select bright green and light auric cushions to complement the less saturated color living room, adding a colorful touch to the space. In addition, set up a butterfly-patterned marbling wall to inject a lively vibe. Moreover, lay a large area rug in front of the audio-visual equipment to improve the sound-absorbing effect and result in a high-quality leisure ambiance. The Encomia bark wall decorations of connected big-small circles are like snuggling mother and son, implying the expectation of a "bliss family" and work in concert with the aside ball-shaped seat.


Dining room


Install a gorgeous chandelier in the dining room to bring a homey vibe at night, and place two blue-green bar stools to set off the elegant base tone. Set up black built-in display cabinets to show up the homeowner's white pottery collections while corresponding to the atramentous wooden grille setting at the entrance.


The male host’s bedroom


Pave diagonal-pattern engineered flooring to bring a warm and cozy situation to the male host bedroom. Then, finish the top of the headboard wall with a wooden grille setting to correspond to the living room wooden sofa base. Use an exquisite silk scarf to make an artistic hang painting, which becomes a striking feature of the space. Also, arrange a simple, stylish desk by the window, and through the suspended drawer design, make it looks delicate and handy to use.


The hostess’s bedroom


The glamorous dark purple headboard wall and soft furnishings in the hostess' bedroom artfully reveal a feminine temperament of beauty and resoluteness and also emphasize the diamond brilliance of the bedside wall sconces. And coat the adjoined wall with white pearl finishes with excellent light-reflecting features, creating a highbrow and refined atmosphere.


Shape the walk-in closet as a boutique exhibition room to satisfy the hostess who values extraordinary features. Set up clear glass doors and brilliant light fixtures to manifest the exquisite textures of clothing and accessories. Besides, exploit a modish-patterned wallpaper to conceal the rear beam and column, ingeniously add appeal charms of the space.


The main bathroom


Take advantage of white, beige, and gray tinge materials to fashion a bright and clean main bathroom. Pave the floor with colorful small artificial wood-textured tiles to bring a warm atmosphere; exploit marbles to finish the walls and install a bathroom vanity top. Set up large-scale built-in wardrobes on one side and design a separated bathtub and shower space, improving the convenience of use and stow.


The young man’s(secondary)bedroom


The differing shades of wood veneer and textile wall coverings work in concert with the consistent-colored headboard. Install a sheeny floor-to-ceiling jellyfish-shaped light fixture and assort with a chic black bedside lamp, showing the contrast features between delicacy and boldness, ingeniously realizing the design concept of creating a "well-balanced space." Furthermore, plan an entertaining area in the private domain; arrange pop-colored sectional sofas to activate the field; install remote-controlled projection screen and visual-audio equipment, letting the young man enjoy ultra-cool happy time at will.


Lay the bathtub opposite the bed and install a large clear glass to create an appealing visual effect. Finish the bath walls with black marble, which form a contrasting beauty with the white marble wall lamp and bath vanity, brilliantly enhancing exclusive charms through two marble patterns.








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