光映醇韻 打造沉穩低奢私房會所


撰文者-DECO TV編輯部


光映醇韻 Light Reflections on Mellowness


This project is the renovation of an aged single-storey commercial office building, with an actual indoor area of around 230sqm. After the design team took over, the first step taken was to remove all old interior decorations and partitioning walls for the convenience of the brand new arrangement based on the proprietor’s needs towards the unit layout and circulation. Being a commercial space used by many people, other than satisfying the needs of different colleagues from different units via the segmentation of the venue, combining materials presentations with stylish design, as well as enhancing the enterprise or shop image via spatial scenario and exquisiteness is also a vital objective for the planning of this project.


It was discovered after an on-site survey that issues included single-sided lighting, insufficient house height, low beams with many columns…etc. were all design points that must be carefully considered and conquered in the follow-up planning. First of all, in order to surmount the restriction of single-sided lighting, a large number of light-weight partition were adopted in several units to replace solid walls, such as glass with window film or glass bricks, where the nature of the materials caters for both privacy and low stress, offering interesting visual light and shadow interactions with dynamic fun, while also infinitely maximizing the sense of space. The array-style employees’ office is located in the central region, where the ceiling in this part has adopted slanted aluminum grids, where one can vaguely see the exposed structure of the building; the fixated lighting amongst the grids ingeniously relieved the concern of insufficient house height.


Secondly, the reception area with the highest usage frequency and one of the supervisor’s offices have been arranged side by side next to the window region with the best lighting and field of vision; the fine selection of matte stone materials, the stone-like panels, the smoked oak wood and a large number of glass materials created a tranquil and natural private club ambience with dignified luxury, while the particular fine craftsmanship details of many places such as the arcs of the columned wall surface and the cozy temperature created by the wood and the stone make visitors feel exceptionally welcome.

衝擊社宅、租金補貼 國土署預算遭立委提案刪除

衝擊社宅、租金補貼 國土署預算遭立委提案刪除

新北宣布300億元租金補貼核定8萬4千戶 房客批「被房東賺走」

新北宣布300億元租金補貼核定8萬4千戶 房客批「被房東賺走」

台中海線議員痛批社宅供應不足 市府增3社宅基地增千戶

台中海線議員痛批社宅供應不足 市府增3社宅基地增千戶



《DECO TV室內設計-居家影音-裝潢設計平台》,是由發行至今已20年的居家生活類雜誌領導品牌《DECO居家雜誌》團隊傾全力打造,提供室內設計、居家精品、空間美學、國際潮流、全球重要展訊、親訪設計界大師…等多樣化的精選內容。


新北宣布300億元租金補貼核定8萬4千戶 房客批「被房東賺走」

新北宣布300億元租金補貼核定8萬4千戶 房客批「被房東賺走」

衝擊社宅、租金補貼 國土署預算遭立委提案刪除

衝擊社宅、租金補貼 國土署預算遭立委提案刪除

台中海線議員痛批社宅供應不足 市府增3社宅基地增千戶

台中海線議員痛批社宅供應不足 市府增3社宅基地增千戶

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