玉映璞心 木寓雋永


設計概念 Design Concept


簡兆芝室內設計 主持設計師 簡兆芝 以暖灰色調鋪陳公領域的基底,呼應米白色大理石電視牆,其牆面紋理流轉,勾勒臥龍盤踞之韻,將窗外基隆河的靈動姿態化為長龍意象延展入室,淬煉時尚奢華意境之餘,象徵吉祥與福氣。公共區注重開放互動,便於家人共享、彼此陪伴,並匯入數盞圓形、半圓形吊燈,以此寄託「家的圓滿」美好祝福;私領域則注重功能與個性結合,透過各式紋理壁紙、窗簾及軟裝細節,形塑現代精緻多樣的生活面貌

An artful interplay of soft gray tones and titanium-plated accents shapes a serene urban sanctuary, where warm wood surfaces introduce a comforting depth and natural warmth. Layers of delicate metallic details and statement pendant lights cast a mesmerizing glow reminiscent of starlit skies above the cityscape. Marble finishes and natural wood veneers enhance this ambiance with refined sophistication, merging modern luxury with subtle elegance. Expansive shared spaces invite loved ones to gather, fostering moments of warmth and effortless connection.

INK DESIGN SPACE’s presiding designer Kathy Chien establishes a welcoming foundation in warm gray tones for communal areas, perfectly complementing the ivory marble TV wall. Its intricate veining flows like a poised dragon, echoing the vitality of the nearby Keelung River while symbolizing prosperity and fortune within a refined, luxurious setting. The open layout fosters a sense of connection, inviting family members to gather, while round and semi-circular pendant lights embody blessings of harmony and fulfillment. In the private quarters, a blend of functionality and personal expression emerges through textured wallpapers, drapery, and carefully chosen furnishings, shaping a refined, modern lifestyle rich in variety and detail.

設計手法 Design Techniques

匠心獨具 開創寬敞公領域

Masterful Craftsmanship in Open-Plan Layout


This project emphasizes open communal space, skillfully utilizing the combined layout of two units to enhance spaciousness that meets the family’s desire for connection. Moreover, taking advantage of natural light, one unit is dedicated entirely to a well-lit and spacious shared area, featuring large French windows that frame sweeping views of the Taipei 101, subtly introducing the city’s iconic skyline into everyday life. The dining area is thoughtfully positioned at a main intersection, inviting family gatherings and fostering a sense of unity and warmth. Carefully selected furnishings in the communal space embody a minimalist aesthetic characterized by clean lines and soft textures that create an inviting atmosphere, perfect for cherished family moments.

無障礙設計 營造永續宜居

Barrier-Free Design for a Sustainable Living Future


With future aging-in-place in mind, this project embraces barrier-free design principles to achieve a home fit for a lifelong livable house. Guided by a commitment to environmental sustainability, the team carefully selected low-formaldehyde, low-VOC materials. Wood veneer panels delicately grace the walls, minimizing indoor air pollutants and offering superior mold and stain resistance for easy upkeep. Durable, large-format slab tiles were chosen for the floors, providing a safe, low-maintenance foundation. The result is a timeless, toxin-free residence that harmonizes health, safety, and lasting environmental care.


Living Room


The living room exudes refined elegance, with light-toned walls complemented by expansive French windows, artfully bringing an open, airy feel. Dark display shelves flank the TV wall, combining storage and showcase functions, while suspended semi-circular pendant lights add graceful curves that harmonize with the room’s aesthetic and linear features. A coffee table with a dark base and white tabletop anchors the center, surrounded by a balanced arrangement of gray and white sofas, ensuring a pleasant cohesion in color and design continuity throughout the space.


Dining Area


The dining area features an elongated dark dining table complemented by gray and white cushioned chairs, seamlessly extending to a white stone-patterned island, an ideal spot for light meals and casual relaxation. Artistic touches include a blue-gray gradient abstract painting and an arched ink-wash piece on the opposite wall, infusing the space with a refined artistic vibe. Four pendant lights above echo the circular motif, symbolizing harmony and fulfillment, adding a thoughtful layer of unity to the design.




The private quarters are meticulously crafted to reflect the distinct personalities of each family member, creating intimate, personalized retreats through thoughtful design. In the master bedroom, dual walk-in closets are strategically placed on either side of the entrance, thoughtfully separated by gender for enhanced convenience and uninterrupted use. A foundation of serene gray and white tones establishes a calming atmosphere, while the feature wall showcases wallpaper with interwoven light and dark hues, harmonizing beautifully with magnetic velvet curtains. This combination of textures and tones enriches the visual depth, presenting a refined, layered composition. Additionally, the magnetic closure of the curtains ensures ease of handling and complete light blockage, crafting an undisturbed, restful sanctuary.


The two secondary bedrooms each express a distinctive character. One bedroom adopts a soft, neutral palette complemented by warm-toned paneling, offering an elegant, serene ambiance with a large desk suited for reading or makeup needs. The other bedroom, defined by deeper hues, embodies a minimalist sophistication, conveying an atmosphere of understated poise and refinement.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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獨/房屋稅新制首影響 基隆2萬戶沒設籍恐多繳逾1.17倍

高科技業聚落 房價三級跳

高科技業聚落 房價三級跳

中古屋是預售屋6折價 高雄三行政區「買新不如買舊」

中古屋是預售屋6折價 高雄三行政區「買新不如買舊」

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


政府打炒房 台中豪宅卻逆風紅火!單價143.8萬新天價

政府打炒房 台中豪宅卻逆風紅火!單價143.8萬新天價

獨/房屋稅新制首影響 基隆2萬戶沒設籍恐多繳逾1.17倍

獨/房屋稅新制首影響 基隆2萬戶沒設籍恐多繳逾1.17倍

新承做房貸利率 16年新高

新承做房貸利率 16年新高

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