杯盞新釀粹藝 細品悠香豐淳


設計概念 Design Concept


呼應場域販售酒類的業務,藝喆設計 彭俊中 設計總監 透過堆疊顏色相異的方形木支架,營造浮冰美酒的意象,並一改過往酒業色彩紛呈的印象,以簡約黑白搭配溫潤木質,為對比美感增添一抹暖意,構築出自在悠閒的選酒商空,讓每位訪客因酒微醺之際,更心醉於空間之美。

Pour some amber liquor with crystal ice cubes, and let the rich scent brim into each corner. As the pendant light turns low, the starry glitter against the murky ceiling invites people to leave their hectic lives and drink under the mesmerizing night sky.

Yì Zhe Design's design director PENG CHUN CHUNG used layering various colored cube frames to deliver an image of liquor with floating ice, presenting the liquor retail business. Black and white as dominant color schemes match a warm timber tone to feature contrasting interest with a balmy touch. Respectively, we contributed to a cozy business space for the customers indulging in the view more than alcohol.

設計手法 Design Techniques

星夜美酒 燈光創想

Stunning lighting Design Complements a Starry Night Sky


Distinguished rose gold and silver cube frames above the entire space. The gradient color palettes reveal an image of ice floating on the liquor and then identify the aim of the business space. The imposing creativity presents that fine liquor is processed through distilling over time. Furthermore, the adequate lighting design with dimmers incorporating small light bulbs in the frames, pendant lights, and under-shelf linear lighting renders a starry night sky to the customers.

回形動線 多樣機能

O-Shape Moving Flow & Diverse Functional Spaces


We arranged the reception desk, a long table, and seating furniture in the center, surrounded by display shelving to shape a smooth traffic pattern for shopping. A low counter enhances the attendant staff's work in response to good customer service. The lounge section provides tasting and dining functions and a conference room with a projector and screen. Additionally, you can share experience and knowledge with sommeliers and friends in the seating area at the end, enjoying a salon-like ambiance.

綠意建材 品牌理念

Green Building Materials & Brand Concept Achievement


We create a delectable space to enhance business communications, allowing a homecoming feel and free shopping. It is a pleasure to see all the attendant staff, sommeliers, and customers enjoy their shared interest in the expansive open layout that achieved our brand concept of "interaction emphasis." Additionally, we exploit F1-graded low-formaldehyde materials to set up all display shelving, and the removable modular furniture facilitates relocation in the future.


Exterior Facade


Differing from the old-fashioned solemn ambiance of liquor shops, we planned a front yard landscape with lawns to deliver a welcoming feel. A golden-trimmed tinted glass and mirrored facade coordinate with the stunning signage, presenting dignified scenery at first glance. Upright or slanting cube frames complement vivid interest and harmonize with the interior design.


Reception Desk


The octagonal shape coheres to smooth, rounded traffic flows. The sparkling black quartz countertop and wood moldings surface mix and match solid and warm textures. Besides, the stone countertop benefits make the staff enjoy minimal maintenance work because of its durable nature and chemical resistance.


Tasting Lounge


A long table expands the dark stone appeal of the reception desk. The array of industrial pendant lights delivers a sense of ritual. Simultaneously, we emphasize gathering times with the circular pattern that reveals a metaphor for homecoming in Chinese culture.


Display Zone


First, we built a transparent partition shelf with metal and timber, displaying all kinds of fine liquor on the market. Then, the marble flooring and wood tiles form different areas along a curved boundary to cater to the customers. In addition, an L-shaped sofa and single chairs allow multiple groups of seating in a cozy ambiance.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒



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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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