衍遠流溢圓滿 薈萃綠意綿息


設計概念 Design Concept


回應業主將「人」視作辦公室核心的理念,簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 跳脫對精密儀器製造業的高科技想像,導引戶外風景、陽光進入半開放式商空,與永生馴鹿苔共築自然清新的工作環境,此外,本案選用智能電控玻璃取代部分隔間牆,兼具隱私和通透感,且依據超高層建築的法規施作嚴謹工程,給予員工具保障的安全職場。

Departing from the ubiquitous high-tech motifs, the essence of this design ethos resides in the symbiosis of harmony and nature, particularly within areas fostering interpersonal engagement. The brand emblem, characterized by three descending slashes converging into a graceful arc, undergoes a metamorphosis within the reception space, symbolically mirroring the traditional Chinese coin — a square nestled within a circle, symbolic of prosperity for the enterprise. Amidst the surroundings, expansive windows beckon the landscape splendor indoors, seamlessly fusing natural grandeur with the interior expanse. This seamless integration is further enhanced by lively soft furnishings, infusing the office ambiance with a spirited blend of youthfulness, dynamism, and aesthetic finesse.

Aligning with the proprietor's vision of placing People at the heart of the office, INK DESIGN SPACE's presiding designer Kathy Chien transcended the conventional high-tech imagery typical of precision instrument manufacturing. Instead, they crafted a semi-open commercial space that harmonizes with the outdoor scenery and abundant sunlight, fostering a naturally invigorating work environment complemented by the reindeer moss. Moreover, we thoughtfully chose smart glass to replace partial solid partition walls, ideally keeping privacy and transparency. Rigorous engineering adhered to high-rise building regulations, ensuring a secure and compliant workplace environment for all employees.

設計手法 Design Techniques

自然時尚 反差呈現特色

Contrasting Elegance: A Fusion of Nature and Modernity


For this company specializing in power measurement instruments, the design establishes a foundational palette of black, white, gray, and wood patterns to highlight the brand's distinctive blue logo. Skillful utilization of glass maximizes natural light and frames the surrounding landscape, creating a verdant workspace that strikingly contrasts with the industrial products. The reception area features walls adorned with low-maintenance preserved moss, evoking a sense of continuous greenery flowing indoors. This evergreen element symbolizes the company's enduring prosperity. In addition, the designer strategically incorporates leather, titanium-plated metal, and bold accent colors, infusing the space with a contemporary and stylish ambiance that epitomizes a flexible, modern office environment.

調整格局 提升空間運用

Optimizing Space: An Agreeable Layout Transformation


This project masterfully integrates four distinct units into a unified space, artfully divided by a central hall into reception and employee work areas. A strategically positioned staff lounge bridges these two zones, ensuring both sides maintain their independent office functions while fostering a sense of cohesion. Adjacent to the meeting rooms, we thoughtfully placed multiple tables and chairs within the open areas, offering versatile spaces for waiting, informal discussions, and meeting breaks. This innovative approach reimagines corridors as dynamic, multifunctional spaces, significantly enhancing overall space utilization and creating a more engaging and functional environment.

圓融品牌 智能商辦場域

Harmonious Integration: A Smart Office Environment


With expansive windows facing both north and south, this project exploits smart glass for select partition walls, allowing sunlight to permeate the core of the space unobstructed. In addition, the glass can be switched to a white frosted finish to meet conference needs and keep privacy, elegantly merging high-tech functionality with a natural aesthetic. The reception area, representing the company's public face, features a prominent square structural column behind the desk. Inspired by the brand's arched logo, the design incorporates curved elements throughout the ceiling, floor, and the column itself, evoking the traditional Chinese coin with its square center and circular exterior. The harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation reflects the Eastern value of Perfection cherished by both the client and the designer.


Reception Area


The reception area showcases a gracefully curved counter and circular color blocks in the corporate hues adorning the carpet, harmoniously echoing the imagery of a coin and the concept of completeness. Behind the counter, tiered seating areas flank the windows, seamlessly integrating with the outdoor scenery to create a welcoming and comfortable space. This designed area exceptionally provides a serene resting spot for employees and an ideal venue for the company to host large-scale events and gatherings.


Employee Dining Area


The employee dining area is gracefully adorned with wood paneling and circular light fixtures, evoking the imagery of fruit trees. This design choice symbolizes the fruition of wisdom, while the tree-like elements soften the sharp L-shaped corners. Furthermore, the flowing lines visually enlarge the space, imparting an expansive and airy ambiance.


Conference Room


The majestic meeting room features a boat-shaped table, complemented by a ceiling design that gracefully echoes its form, symbolizing the company's forward journey and unwavering commitment to navigating international markets with vigor and determination. Encircling walls are outfitted with three screens, facilitating seamless and simultaneous online meetings with managers from diverse countries.


Chairman's Office


The office of the chairman and CEO features four elongated desks, ingeniously utilizing the central pillar to define discrete workspaces. The pillar, adorned with lacquered glass, is artfully designed to minimize its visual weight. Overhead, elongated pendant lights cast a warm and inviting glow, creating an ambiance that distinguishes itself from the conventional corporate milieu.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

新青安助八行庫增逾2萬房貸新戶飆次高 這項業務轉熱

新青安助八行庫增逾2萬房貸新戶飆次高 這項業務轉熱

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




蘆竹新建案兩層樓店面1.46億元成交 超車中壢登桃園店面總價王

蘆竹新建案兩層樓店面1.46億元成交 超車中壢登桃園店面總價王

行庫消化不動產授信案 估放款集中度減降要等明年

行庫消化不動產授信案 估放款集中度減降要等明年

賴正鎰:台中市13年暴增20萬人 撐起房市一片天

賴正鎰:台中市13年暴增20萬人 撐起房市一片天


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