光漫柔灰謐域 澄淨別雅馨居


設計概念 Design Concept


回應業主的收納需求與對現代風格的喜愛,棠禾設計 曾智和 設計總監 善用宅內各處空間並配置大量櫃體,另將「潔淨、俐落、無壓」作為關鍵詞,公領域以灰、白主色搭襯品牌主打的暖意木紋,圍塑敞亮舒適的起居環境,臥房則依居者喜好,打造擁有個人色彩的一方天地,予以每個人機能充裕的理想美域

As sunlight gracefully bathes the space, it fills the pristine home. Adopt smooth curves and elegant lines, exploit delicate textures on the walls, and brighten every display cabinet where memories reside. We create a simple, refined, beautiful scene for the family to live in, bringing cheerful laughter that starts a new chapter in life.

Considering the homeowner’s need for ample storage and a love for modern aesthetics, Tang He Design’s design director TSENG CHIH HE skillfully utilizes every nook and cranny, incorporating numerous cabinets. Taking “clean, sleek, and peaceful” as guiding principles, we adorned the communal spaces in a gray-white color palette, complemented by the balmy wood tones that define our brand, which creates a clear and inviting living environment. Bedrooms are tailored to the user’s preference, crafting personalized havens that provide an ideal and functional retreat for the room users.

設計手法 Design Techniques

灰白盈室 曲弧溢柔

Elegant Curved Feature: Soft Harmony of Gray and White


We skillfully exploited a palette of pure white paired with gray artistic coating, complemented by sleek linear elements, bringing about a refreshing and modern ambiance. Then, ingeniously incorporated the curved elements into the ceiling in the public areas, working in concert with the curvilinear feature of the TV wall, gently adding softness and charm to the place. Moreover, we integrate balmy wooden flooring and deep-toned furnishings, which achieve a bright and cozy home filled with warmth.

巧配機能 靈活空間

Smart Solution: Flexible Setting for Compact Living


We meticulously set up a functional dining table with casters to resolve the cramped room issue. It can be easily tucked into the dining sideboard, freeing up ample space. Should the need arise for a formal dining setup, the mobile dining table can be removed, and the storage space can be equipped with panels to transform into a display cabinet, providing sufficient flexibility for the homeowner. Additionally, we thoughtfully arranged a reeded glass sliding door at the kitchen entrance to cut off gross smells when cooking, and it can be kept open to give unimpeded views on ordinary days.

各具風格 人本關懷

Distinctive Style: Human-Centered Design


In the private quarters, each bedroom is tailored to the preferences of every family member. The master bedroom featured warm wooden tones to create a relaxing sleeping sanctuary for the couple, departing from the concise style in the shared areas. The homeowners opt for their favored color to finish the accent walls of two secondary bedrooms, showcasing their unique tastes. Additionally, we utilized engineered panels certified with green labels, complemented by formaldehyde-free paint, contributing to a healthy and toxin-free family living environment. 


Entryway & Eat-In Kitchen


In the entryway, a slender reeded glass partition serves as a Feng Shui-friendly solution to dispel concerns about negative energy flow. Then, we deliberately set out an embedded shoe bench with the shoe cabinet on the opposite side. The suspended design and ventilation holes at the bottom ensure a dry cabinet with good air circulation.


Living Room


The serene living room is adorned with gray-toned furniture and a matching TV wall, resulting in a homely and comfortable living room. Adjacent to it, the storage display cabinet extends clean linear features with embedded strip lights, accentuating the homeowner’s cherished collectibles and family memories.


Master Bedroom


A harmonious blend of a study and bedroom in the master suite creates a versatile haven for work and relaxation. Responding to the homeowner’s requirement for storage, we cleverly take advantage of the space to install the headboard cabinet, featuring low cabinets, wall-mounted cabinets, and stackable units. Additionally, above the wardrobe at the foot of the bed, an extra storage cabinet seamlessly integrates ample storage functionality into the space, providing a clutter-free and well-functioning room.


Secondary Bedrooms


In consideration of the school-age children, both secondary bedrooms seamlessly integrate study desks into the bedside cabinets, offering them an independent and conducive learning environment. The headboard walls are thoughtfully designed with pegboards and open shelves, allowing children to display cherished toys and collectibles.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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