藝寓盈光潤 石色綴潔境


設計概念 Design Concept


納入業主一家以用餐區為宅邸中心的生活習慣,豐聚設計 李羽芝、黃翊峰 設計總監 整理格局,重劃一樓廚房旁隔間為較小的傭人房,將釋出空間併入公領域再調整客、餐廳範圍比例,打造寬敞舒適的餐廚區域,便於人們在此齊聚交流、加深情誼,另遷移樓梯至公區中央,搭配清透俐落的玻璃與鐵件,打造獨特的視覺焦點,此外,本案皆採用低甲醛的建材、漆料,給予居者舒適無毒的樂土。

Each room, created under the banner of artistry, is a canvas depicting gentle and pristine residential landscapes. With transparency at its core philosophy, this design constructs an open layout where light flows freely without constraint. Inside the split-level home facing the glorious scenery of mountains, the clear daylight and verdant surroundings pour in through large glass surfaces. This setting allows one to leisurely explore every nook and corner of the house, transforming the interior as time passes and light dances, consistently presenting an elegant and stylish artistic ambiance that sets the stage for precious family reunion moments.

Fertility Design's design director Sylvia Lee, executive director Lucas Huang carefully reconfigure the layout and incorporate the homeowner's family tradition of making the dining area the centerpiece of their home life. Strategically re-plan the maid's room adjacent to the kitchen on the first floor, then adjust the scales of the living and dining areas, ideally expanding the common area to create an inviting dining environment with airy flows. Here, people can come together to connect and strengthen their bonds. Additionally, we relocated the staircase to the center of the public area, accentuated with clear glass and metal elements, strikingly crafting a unique visual focal point of the project. Moreover, we use low-formaldehyde materials and paints throughout the house to provide residents with a comfortable and non-toxic sanctuary.

設計手法 Design Techniques

淨雅柔弧 現代時尚

Stylish Design, Elegant Curves


In this project, we collaborate with stone cladding, metallic elements, and artistic wall coating to create a modern style rich in transparency. The use of glass and iron works brilliantly adds depth to the design. We complement this with balmy wooden flooring, ceiling, and curved elements in the corners, resulting in an elegant and pleasant appeal. Throughout the house, concealed doors are designed with matching colors or materials to maintain a clean and sleek visual appearance.

敞亮宅邸 巧賦收納

Spacious Home, Clever Storage Design


In order to fulfill the homeowner's storage needs, we relocated the original place of the staircase on the first floor and part of the maid's room into storage space. And skillfully incorporate various open shelves that are embedded in the wall to provide ample storage functionality. The design also includes an open-plan shared area, making it easy for residents to entertain friends and family while enjoying an unimpeded visual feeling.

懸浮樓梯 匠心焦點

Master Focal Point, A suspended Staircase


In this project, we boldly install the staircase at the centerpiece of the communal spaces, breaking away from traditional layouts. With suspended design, linear lighting, and handrails crafted from tempered glass and metal, it creates a visually striking and ethereal focal point. This design maintains an open view within the residence while subtly separating the living and dining areas. Safety is a top priority, and to mitigate potential accidents, all glass surfaces are equipped with shatterproof window film to enhance impact resistance.


Living Room


We replace bulkier sofas with single chairs to create a lightweight and inviting atmosphere in the living room. The use of materials extends seamlessly from the TV wall to the entryway and the second floor, enhancing the overall cohesion and creating the illusion of more space. Additionally, we cleverly arrange a display cabinet with a sloping shape by the window, allowing the owner to showcase personal items and adding a touch of whimsy and charm to daily life.




Above the staircase, we create a dedicated reading nook enclosed by clear glass, offering a perfect spot for people to gaze out the delightful views from the window and enjoy leisurely reading time. On the opposite side, we eliminate blind spots caused by the corner with embedded glass bricks, preventing inadvertent collisions as residents move in and out.


Dining Area


The dining area features silver-gray tiles on the walls, enriching spatial depth with the light color palette in the shared space. Adjacent to the wall, a round stone-patterned dining table is paired with a gracefully arched pendant light above, integrating the symbolism of completeness and togetherness and establishing a seamless circular flow. Moreover, we skillfully incorporate the place with a square island to expand the cooking area.


Master Bedroom


In the master bedroom, we selected a soothing beige panel for the headboard wall. With its gentle color palette and orderly linear features, this design creates a peaceful and comfortable sleeping environment. Adjacent to it, a half-open cabinet with a black-white color palette complemented by linear lighting excellently serves functional storage purposes and presents a layering composition.


案名:Gallery 藝境






OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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桃園房屋標準價格今年調升30% 近10年升100%



OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




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