溫煦陶⽯沐光輝 誠粹禪意⼼圓融


設計概念Design Concept


艾美幸福設計 許捷甯 設計總監 將「禪」納入空間的每個角落,巧妙地運用簡約的黑、灰、白色建材,結合溫潤柔和的陶板、紋理大氣的石材、堅硬剛強的鐵件與質樸溫煦的木質,彼此交融、互補,正如佛教所謂「因緣和合」,人與環境最終達至一個「圓滿」的狀態。

The soft circular halo flows from the screen and complements the warm sunshine. The white ceramic panel and dark brown wood grill setting represent the magnanimous tolerance of Buddha and emit a calm vibe. At the corner of the corridor, the home Buddhist shrine sets off the solemnity of the Buddha statue, the householders sincerely worshipping the Buddha, getting rid of distractions, and settling in a peaceful and tranquil situation with a devout heart.

Amy Studio design director Amy Hsu spreads Zen-like features around the space. Ingeniously utilize the simple black, gray, and white toned building materials, and assort with warm, gentle ceramic panels, glamorous textured marbles, steady vigorous iron parts, and rustic balmy timbers, which are well-proportioned and complement each other. Just like the so-called "Union of causes and conditions" in Buddhism, people and the environment eventually reach a state of "perfection."

設計手法Design Techniques

東方禪風 黑白沉靜

The calm black-white tone reveals the Oriental Zen-like ambiance


Considering the homeowner's Buddhist belief and taste, we adopt black, gray, and white as the base tone. Select polished white ceramic panels, glamorous white marble with vivid black veins, and dark brown wood to fashion the space. Skillfully integrate the colors and textures to bring a calm and serene atmosphere. In addition, arrange mist blue home furnishings, which enrich a natural ambiance to the composed public area and achieve a harmonious Zen implication between liveliness and stillness.

陶石相間 遙相呼應

The splendid ceramic-marble patterns marvelously correspond to each other


The TV wall with a storage feature shows a lightweight and sleek pattern through white ceramic cabinet doors, which are excellent for long-term usage. Exploit a New York marble polished slab to finish the wall at the rear of the sofa, which is imported from Spain and personally selected by the homeowner. The glamorous veiny pattern becomes an elegant focal feature behind the wall-mounted shelves. The two well-arranged building materials marvelously complement each other, creating a harmonious situation in the public domain.

信仰中心 機能巧思

The crafted arrangement with unique features accomplishes the hub of family beliefs


We meticulously discuss and plan with the proprietor and the geomancer, use the carpenter's ruler to measure angles, pay attention to lucky numbers and flexible functionalities, and masterly make a unique handcrafted home shrine adjacent to the dining table to serve the family beliefs. We set up a stately look and required storage spaces. Moreover, mount red-tinted glass on the hollow-patterned tabletop and install indirect lighting to serve as the Buddhist lamp, shining on the significant Buddha statue.




Set the ceiling with wood veneers and erect an iron grid to separate the foyer from other areas and lead the fellow cultivators to the home Buddhist shrine at the corner. We exploit a white marble slab and hollow a circle with lighting to set a screen at the entryway that eases the geomancy taboo and keeps a transparent look at the same time. And the round shape implies the image of reunion and perfection, which conforms to the auspicious decoration of Buddhism and comforts life and soul with a simple but meaningful design.


Living room


The polished white ceramic TV wall with a storage feature is beautiful and practical, which overlaps with the wooden grating and transmits a delightful ambiance via indirect lighting. In addition, the lake-green sofa brings a vibrant touch to an otherwise serene black-white tone space.


Dining area


Exploit the same marble slab of the cabinet behind the living room sofa to set up a wine cabinet in the dining area. Then, finish the sidewalls with black and white texture pine wood veneers. Moreover, decorate them with titanium-plated trims and asymmetrical arc patterns to correspond to the foyer screen and Buddhist implication. At the same time, it serves as a feature wall with stow spaces, ingeniously realizing the glamorous and feasible design.


Master bedroom


We finish the wall in front of the desk with solid wood veneers and black titanium-plated trims. In addition, take advantage of a sleek strip light and wall-mounted iron shelves to add striking features to the elegant, plain main bedroom. Meticulously set up a tray ceiling to conceal the air conditioning vent and the pelmet. Also, install pendant lights above the window couch so that the hostess can enjoy a cozy Zen life underneath the soft halo.








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