寧謐石韻溢奢雅 沉穩灰藝生靜界


設計概念 Design Concept


以形構區域的獨特性為本案設計核心,詠絮室內設計 於公領域匯入業主鍾情的灰、藍色調,綴搭大理石地坪、牆面,呈遞靜雅富麗的氣派感,而作為玄關端景的大板磚,潔白之間暈染深淺錯落的墨色肌理,完美契合宅邸簡雅兼具大氣之感,其獨一無二的華美韻味及耐看性,成就可歷代傳承的迷人景緻;私領域依循個人喜好勾勒細節,描繪出各室個性十足的風格,打造流露居者品味的專屬空間,另於各臥房設置獨立更衣室,依隨使用者習慣置入功能各異的櫃體,滿足住者收納需求。

The warm sunlight filters through the misty white curtains, delicately casting a soft and even glow into the room. The bright flow of light from the ceiling lamps radiates to the refined and graceful texture of the space. Looking around, the sleek lines of the walls harmonized with the mottled stone patterns of the floor, painting a simple yet sophisticated scene in black, gray, and white. The tranquil atmosphere exudes an elegant ambiance, reminiscent of a high-end hotel, creating an environment that cultivates a sense of refined and delicate comfort.

At the heart of our design lies the unique characteristics of each space. YUNG HSU INTERIOR DESIGN incorporated the owner's affinity for gray and blue tones in the public areas, embellishing them with marble floors and walls to achieve a sense of elegance and grandeur. The large tile at the entrance, with its white base and shades of deep and light ink patterns, perfectly complements the residence's refined and atmospheric feel, showcasing the design's unique and timeless charm and durability. For the private areas, we tailored the details according to individual preferences, delineating a distinctive style for each room, and creating a personalized space that expresses the residents' appeal. Each bedroom comes with an independent dressing room, with different cabinet functions to meet the storage needs of the residents.

設計手法 Design Techniques

暗門櫃體 完善收納機能

Discreet cabinet units for unparalleled storage


We skillfully design a large number of cabinets in the first-floor entryway to provide the homeowner with a convenient place to store bicycles and mountaineering equipment for easy access and outdoor activities. In the second-floor living room, an irregular space behind the TV wall is utilized for a large cabinet. Adjacent to the living and dining rooms, a storage room is added using hidden door panels to blend seamlessly with the wall surface, creating an attractive clean cut display.

巧劃空間 實現運動需求

Clever planning of space to realize fitness usage


Considering the homeowner's exercise routines, we ingeniously conceal ironwork in the multi-purpose room on the first floor for hanging suspension straps, for performing TRX at home. The white stone bar in the adjacent media room serves as a small tea room, providing hydration after training, and constituting the pleasantly ideal fitness space.

靈動光影 烘托珍藏藝品

Interplay of lights accentuates art collections


On the second floor, the sofa in the living room is backed by an open shelf of dark wood open and black iron racks, exuding a subtle and steady atmosphere. As the homeowner delights in art, we installed strip lighting and mirrors within the shelf for the reflection of light, illuminating the delicate texture of the fineries and creating a rich spatial layering of illusions. Allowing visitors to also experience the residing lifestyle aesthetics.




The entrance corridor and audio-visual room are separated by a grey glass and metal partition with sliding doors, featuring sleek black metal lines for a modern and stylish ambiance. On the opposite side, grey and white wood veneer cabinets paired with the wooden ceiling above enhance the warmth and welcome for homeowners upon their return.


Audio-visual Room


The TV wall of the audio-visual room is coated in dark blue enamel, with a low-saturated light gray sofa in front, imbuing a peaceful atmosphere. Matched with a light stone-patterned coffee table, wooden tea sets, and a soft gray-white texture carpet underfoot, a comfortable and relaxing space for the owners to chat, enjoy tea, and spend quality time with family is composed.


Multi-purpose Room


The multi-purpose room features a light wood-colored floor, complemented by a blue-grey narrow cabinet and a fabric armchair, exuding a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. It serves not only as a quiet space for residents to read, meditate, and exercise but also as a guest room.


Living Room


The living room features a black marble TV wall, with a monochrome lattice for optimal viewing by blocking out light from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The central sofa adopts deep gray with a stone-patterned coffee table, lake-green armchair, and brick-orange cushions on one side for a rich palette of colors, bringing life and energy with its contrast.


Dining Area


To create a bright and spacious dining environment, the dining and kitchen area features simple gray and white walls as a backdrop, highlighting the central white stone dining table and greige dining chairs. The space is enhanced by a stylish pendant light, shaping a clean and sharp dining atmosphere.


Master Bedroom


Taking into account the residents' love for modern elements, the master bedroom features a deep gray headboard wall and dividing lines to convey a sense of serenity and reserve. The light-colored bedding is paired with deep colors to create a comfortable sleeping space. Considering the owner's habit of collecting perfumes and scented candles, the corner of the wall cabinet is arranged as an open shelf to serve as a storage and display for the collections. On the opposite side, the marble TV wall is raised and designed with a wooden ceiling to add warmth and coziness to the space. The gray sliding door at the back is specifically designed to avoid any feng shui concerns on window grilles.


Second Bedroom


For the boy's room, the bed wall was finished with smooth surface paint, while a light grey fabric was inset below to achieve good sound insulation. The line and form of the storage cabinets and display shelf above complement the laid-back and simplistic style of the resident. On the opposite wall, a smoky blue wallpaper was used to resonate the overall tone, crafting a harmoniously peaceful resting area.


In contrast, the girl's room departs from the cool color palette. The bed wall is slatted with twill wood veneer, paired with goose yellow wall lamps, emanating a gently soft resting area. A white iron perforated board stands to conceal outdoor machinery for a polished view. In addition, a low cabinet with a stone pattern table is placed by the window, providing a place for the resident to settle down and enjoy reading time.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒







OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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