春暉情深凝墨玉 美質謐境彌沉香


設計概念 Design Concept


喬藝設計 王沁淩 設計總監 配合宅邸的長型格局,運用空間的獨特性,規劃一字型動線的公、私領域,順暢的區域機能變化,串連個人辦公空間及親子共聚之地,讓家人親密無間地陪伴。

The stable ink-colored soft furnishings form a bright contrast with the pure white interior finishes and complement with concise linear features, creating simple, stylish, and homely situations. Adopt their favored pastel green, light yellow, and azure color schemes for individual private areas on different floors, revealing the unique personality of each family member.

Comply with the unique long-patterned structure of the house, Chiauyi Interior Decoration Design design director Linda Wang plans an open, connected public area. The smooth flow ingeniously links up the functional domains, such as the home office and the parent-child gathering space, letting the family accompany each other closely.

設計手法 Design Techniques

凝聚親情 增添機能場域

Expand functional domains to gather family affection


Incorporate the vacant lot into the house to renovate a wide-open space for the family to live. Relocate the kitchen to create a comfortable and bright cooking space. Moreover, set up a large-scale wine cabinet to display fine wines and tableware. Exploit a gray-tinted glass partition and an L-shaped desk to arrange a home-office nook between the living and dining rooms so that the householder can work from home, look after children, and accompany the hostess to prepare meals; merrily spend happy time together.

善用格局 順暢生活動線

Ingeniously plan agreeable layouts to bring smooth living flows


Due to the long and narrow pattern of the house, plan the public and private domains of straight-line layouts. On the open-patterned first floor, erect a grey glass screen with a totem in front of the dining room to solve the geomantic taboo of an evil hallway. On the second floor, the master bedroom is divided into a dressing area, a lounging area, and a window area with different functions to facilitate daily living.

時尚黑白 變化繽紛色彩

Stylish black-white tones complement colorful schemes


Select stable black-toned and deep wood-textured soft furnishings to complement the surrounding pure white interior finishes, showing a simple and fashionable ambiance in the public area. Adopt pastel green, light yellow, and lively azure colors to finish the master and young boy's bedrooms' walls, successfully resulting in comfy sleeping situations. Furthermore, choose identical-colored PVC material with flameproof and stain-resistant features to set the upholstered headboard, which is easy to maintain afterward. Adopt apt color schemes for each floor to meet their preferences and bring delightful vibes and views that fit individual family members.


Living Room


The grey marble TV wall in the living room converts the stereotypical frame design into asymmetrical three-dimensional patterns on both sides. Inlay strip-shaped gray-tinted mirrors on the white wooden wall behind the sofa brilliantly present a neat stylish look through the staggered linear features. Adopt fine CNC machining to shape a whimsical totem on the transparent grey glass screen in front of the dining room, adding rich layers to the simple-toned space.


Dining Room


Install a chic ring-shaped pendant light above the dining table to convey the beautiful implication of "Reunion." The large wooden wine cabinet on the sidewall features the homeowner's precious fine wine collection via soft wall washer lighting. The random vertical plates also serve as bookends and ingeniously transform into a bookcase to meet different storage needs.




The Ensuite bathroom doors integrate with the jump-colored walls through tongue and groove joints and perfectly conceal the entrances. And customized system cabinets of varied patterns and features agreeably satisfy the family's real-life demands. In particular, set up a storage cabinet with bookshelves in the young boy's bedroom and mount a baking varnish glass in front of the desk to serve as a whiteboard and a post-it wall, which is suitable for the school-aged child.








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