美國紐約布魯克林 Eagle+West 高級複合式公寓住宅 | Eagle+West, Brooklyn, New York, United States

【採訪:IW 傢飾編輯部/影像:Jason O'Rear】
OMA-Jason Long's Eagle + West for Brookfield Properties and Park Tower Group is now complete, marking OMA's first high-rise towers in New York. Eagle + West—an assembly of two towers, a seven-story building, a series of amenities, and open space. Eagle+West activates a new hinge point between Brooklyn and Queens, with a panoramic orientation to the Manhattan skyline.
由 OMA 設計的 Eagle+West(又名Greenpoint Landing Block D)高級複合式公寓住宅現已完工,它代表著 OMA 在紐約的第一座高層塔樓。整體建築包含兩座塔樓、一座七層建築、一系列便利設施和開放空間,激活了紐約布魯克林區和皇后區之間的新樞紐點,更重新定義曼哈頓的城市天際線。
The zoning allowed for a maximum floorplate of 11,000 square feet. We quickly found that this scale and required setbacks would result in only 40 feet of separation between our two towers—an uncomfortable proximity that undermined the potential of the site and would create a wall from the neighborhood. We began by reducing their footprints to allow for 60 feet of open space, more akin to the scale of a typical street. We could then strategically expand and contract the towers for zones of maximum efficiency within each.
最初,既有法規允許建築的最大樓層面積為 11,000 平方英尺(約 1,022 平方公尺),但這種條件將會導致兩座塔樓之間只有 40 英尺(約 12 公尺)的距離,而這種令人不舒服的尺度也會破壞基地潛力,並在城市中形成一道壓迫的牆體。對此,設計團隊選擇減少樓層面積,讓兩棟塔樓之間可以留出 60 英尺(約 18 公尺)的開放空間,使其形態更接近典型街廓,進而戰略性地擴展和收縮兩棟塔樓的內部空間。
The two towers simultaneously lean in and away from one another. The taller tower widens toward the east as it rises, maximizing views and creating a dramatic face to the neighborhood. The shorter tower, a fraternal twin, widens toward the ground to face a new waterfront park to the north. The two towers are shaped to create terraces and overhangs that emphatically link them together as if they were broken apart from a single block. Echoing Greenpoint's pastoral origins as a neighborhood of family farms, two levels of green space open to the waterfront. Terraces are framed by a collection of common spaces. Above them, the towers are linked by an amenity bridge looking over the Manhattan skyline.
Altogether, Greenpoint Landing aims to be a platform for living: connecting past and future, indoor and outdoor, urban streetscape and waterfront.
兩座塔樓同時傾斜並相互脫離。較高的塔樓在上升時往東變寬,最大限度地擴展視野,並為社區創造一個引人注目的面貌;較矮的塔樓則是向地面加寬,同時朝向北面的新海濱公園。最終,兩座塔樓形成懸挑梯田的造型,互補的型態,彷彿是將同個量體一分為二。此外,與 Greenpoint 作為家庭農場社區的田園起源相呼應,建築中兩層樓的綠地朝向海濱開放,而露台由一系列公共空間構成;在它們上方,塔樓由一座俯瞰曼哈頓天際線的便橋相連。
綜觀整體,Eagle+West 的誕生旨在成為一個生活平台:連接過去和未來、室內和戶外,以及城市街景與海濱。
IW 傢飾雜誌》ISSUE 149

傢飾雜誌報導生活空間美學,反映設計時尚,傳遞優質生活觀念,是為關心生活內在質感的品味人士所編輯的刊物。在每一期,傢飾雜誌匯集了國內、國際卓越人士的生活觀點與體驗,內容包含人文經驗、環境建築、室內設計、工業設計、當代藝術等。我們以細膩並且宏觀的編輯方向,去執行每一個報導,以專業的企劃能力去整合業界寶貴的資源。我們認為,凡是閱讀必須發生樂趣,凡是圖檔必須賞心悅目。 因此,傢飾雜誌呈現的閱賞經驗,就像亞熱帶地域的雪景一般珍貴,並且令人耳目一新。