古樸糅合醇雅和風 木色沉香饗盡美饌


設計概念 Design Concept


簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 因應疫情改變的餐飲消費模式,場域善用長型格局,佈置L型吧台與外帶出餐口,方便業主同時與內、外賓客互動;而店家於空間大量使用的木紋板材,其可回收的綠建材特性,將和風美學重視的「自然」,進一步表現在環境保護方面。

Located in the center of Taipei city, a cottage made of balmy wood and clear cement, with the rustic charm of fair-faced concrete, reveals a substantive Japanese style. The Taiwan red lanterns at the entrance emit appealing light and shadow, and the exposed beams, columns, and brick walls manifest a rough and bold Industrial style, achieving a genuinely eclectic aesthetic look and embodying the vision of an innovative Japanese cuisine restaurant.

To adapt to the catering consumption patterns changed by the pandemic, INK DESIGN SPACE presiding designer Kathy Chien makes the most of the long-patterned layout and sets up an L-shaped bar counter and a take-out window facade to facilitate the storeowner to receive the customers. Exploit voluminous eco-friendly green building materials like timbers with recyclable characteristics to furnish the space, revealing the Japandi aesthetics that attach importance to nature.

設計手法 Design Techniques

創新日式 融入在地

Excellently integrate local features to create an innovative Japanese style


As this is a newly opened Japanese cuisine restaurant, we choicely utilize cotton linen fabric symbolizing rice bags to make the outdoor hanging drapes and indoor wall decors and bring Japandi charms through rustic wooden and clear cement features. In addition, hang red lanterns representing Taiwan at the entrance, and then create the Industrial interior style with unadorned ceilings, walls, and exposed pipelines. The novel mix and match aesthetics comply with the design themes of localization and innovation, which successfully attract young customers from surrounding schools and contemporary art museums.

善用空間 因應疫情

Ingeniously configure the space to cope with the pandemic


For the past few years, the catering consumption pattern has changed; people tend to take food home instead of eating in restaurants. Consequently, we divide the long-patterned space into a meal-preparing lot and dining area; set up an L-shaped bar counter with only fifteen seats, making the chef can talk with customers directly. Moreover, design a take-out window facade and arrange the cash register in front of the window so that the cashier can simultaneously serve indoor and outdoor customers. Hope to keep down operation impacts, even if the pandemic continues to grow.

環保建材 燈光聚焦

Skillfully make use of eco-friendly elements and befitting lighting fixtures


We exploit eco-friendly green building materials such as laminating plastic sheets to replace solid woods to show the Japanese style feature. And take advantage of waterproof and scratch-resistant characteristics to assure easy maintenance in a dining environment. Hang linen roller blinds above the bar counter, which artfully shade the tableware cabinets behind. Then, install track lights to make customers focus their sights on the food, letting the fine cuisine becomes a leading role in the dim surrounding.


Exterior appearance


We finish the exterior appearance of the restaurant with rustic fair-faced concrete that pays homage to Master Tadao Ando. Then, install wooden gratings above the sidewalk to introduce the sunlight shining on the wall and generating vivid light and shadow. At night, the recessed downlights brighten up the restaurant logo on the hanging drape, successfully attracting the attention of passers-by.


Interior design


We place a Japanese bonsai in front of the cash register to bring out a Zen vibe. Moreover, leave a Hokkaido-shaped brick wall of the original building, which carries out a contrasting beauty with the up-to-date building material and embodies the proprietor's creative concept of designing a traditional Japanese cuisine store.








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OPEN Design

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在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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