細捻墨紋繪溫情 勻鞣軟革潤雅境

設計概念 Design Concept
棠禾設計 曾智和 設計總監 思及業主夫妻現今與未來的生活,打造坐擁完美視聽享受的客廳,並重新劃設格局,預留孩童房的同時,更規劃親子共用的開放式書房,於煥發新生的老屋中,悉心譜寫家庭物語的美好序章 。
The brilliant sunlight passes through the floor-to-ceiling window blinds, evolving vivid light and shadow. We exploit marbling textures, leather elements, and glossy metallic features to accomplish a fashionable style in the dark-toned surrounding. Then, step into the main bedroom, the simple, elegant MUJI aesthetics injecting a cozy atmosphere for sleeping.
Tang He Design design director TSENG CHIH HE is-configure the layouts to plan a terrific living room for the married couple so they can soak excellent audio-visual enjoyment, ingeniously satisfying their current life. We also keep two bedrooms to meet the future need of raising children; moreover, we set an open study nook for the parents and children to utilize together. The renovated old house marvelously brings beautiful life to the blessed family.
設計手法 Design Techniques
機能完備 長伴家庭
Full-functional layouts and equipment bring the family a wonderful life
As the homeowner is a young couple, we preserve the two children's rooms to meet their future needs. Moreover, knock down the wall behind the living room to set up an open study nook, which is suitable for the family to read and learn happily. To satisfy the male host who attaches great importance to audio-video enjoyment, we replace the TV set with a short-throw projector and an ambient light-rejecting screen. Furthermore, go with front, center, and rear speakers, and a surround-sound system, so the couple can enjoy seeing movies and sinking within an appealing audio-visual feast at home.
時尚深色 木質恬逸
Stylish darker shades complement the woody fragrance
Manually apply black faux painting finishes on the TV wall to show the delicate marbling texture and carry out a deep tone favored by the male host. Then, finish the surrounding cabinets and walls with wood grain, pure white coating, and imitated metallic material, coupled with toasty brown soft furnishing, ingeniously fashioning a dark chic ambiance that is sedate and relaxed. We comply with the hostess's preference, exploiting pale timbers to present a cozy Japanese MUJI style in the main bedroom. Install window blinds in public and private domains to perform the simple modern style through flowing light and shadow.
幾何巧思 金屬綻光
Innovative geometric design and brilliant metallic feature
We set up a geometric-shaped faux ceiling to create a spacious, open layout of the living room, study, and dining area. Then, adorn the structural crossbeam with glossy metal foil sheets, which become a striking feature of the house via the varying light and shadow from different visual angles. In addition, affix decorative perforated metal sheets on the cabinets at the entryway and in the kitchen, artfully emitting splendid luster and brightening up the deep-toned home.
Entryway foyer
We shape a mudroom in the entryway with dark patterned tiles, and exploit timbers and decorative perforated metal sheets to build a storage cabinet that equips a full-length mirror and a shoe stool. Moreover, set up a smart wardrobe with moisture-proof and sterilization features, handy for the residents to sanitize their outdoor clothes.
Dining area
Below the elegant chandelier is a simple black-white dining table with stylish brown leather dining chairs. The attached island adds a countertop for preparing meals and creates an electric circuit for using an induction cooker. In addition, utilize wooden veneers, black marble, and a glossy metallic mesh to set a sideboard, and install recessed lights to shine the stainless-steel shelving, brilliantly showing the trendy beauty of the assorted material combination.
Living room and study nook
We set a raised platform in front of the TV wall to meet the homeowner's requirements for displaying audio-visual equipment and a pendant white storage cabinet to lighten the heaviness of the deep tone space. Besides, we plan an open study and build a window bench that differs from the traditional cabinet setting to extend to the bottom of the suspended bookcase, bringing a consistent look.
Master bedroom
Considering the layout and smooth flow, we arranged the host and hostess's wardrobes to the left and right of the main bedroom's entrance. And mount a full-length mirror to adorn the corner and broaden the space. Then, decorate the crossbeam at the end of the bed with a sloped ceiling, and improve the brightness via the recessed ceiling lights. Build the headboard cabinet with pale wooden veneers and a white marble slab to create a relaxing situation. We design an open platform for placing personal items and fix a wall-mounted makeup vanity to bring a convenient life for the householders.

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