斜意勾勒光穎彩 鏡映流光舞華髮


設計概念 Design Concept




In response to the new-build business duplex, D.G.d International Design conducted the least-cost renovation and achieved what a hair salon demands, with various transforming visions. The project distinctively reveals the professional brand and eco-friendly approaches.

The business operator targets youngsters, families, and people who care about fashion trends as their significant customers. They aspire to invite customers with a modern and sophisticated business space. Therefore, the designer adopted diagonal elements to match white and wood tones, staging the interior beneath the linear lighting. Besides, each area facilitates different service processes with various lighting fixtures, while under-stair storage contributes to an easy and convenient space for the staff and customers.

Characteristic designs lay from the entrance and along the sleek accent wall. Linear ceiling lighting slimly streams from the door to the stairs. Mirrors and gloss tiles make reflective diagonal images in various sizes against the slim light. The interior comprehensively organizes color blocks, illumination, and reflective sheen, presenting a minimalist and layering hair salon.

設計手法 Design Techniques

斜角鏡射層次 實用選材

Reflection Layering & Functional Materials


The pure white color shade and warm wood tone work as the keynote of the project. Golden light fixtures coordinate with mirrors and glossy flooring to create a kaleidoscope vision, using diagonal elements combined with color blocks, lighting curations, mirrors, and cabinet shapes. It is perfect for maximizing transforming effects from minimalist adornments. Meanwhile, adopting easy-maintained wallpapers and covering makes the space aesthetic and functional. The versatile wall finishes allow the staff to manage daily cleansing in a breeze.

需求打光 精準檢視髮型

Sufficient Illumination Enhances Viewing Hairdos


Considering the styling area requires adequate light for services, we strategically installed linear lights, indirect lighting behind mirrors, and adjustable track light fixtures to set up a brilliant workspace, allowing the staff to check hair conditions. Moreover, the balance of white and yellow lights creates a natural sunlight shade, enhancing the viewing experience for stylists and customers of various hairdos and luster.

輕度裝修 巧排區域功能

Minimum Refurbishments & Nifty Area Functions


The project is applied with green building materials and complied with a minimum refurbishment. It economizes as much as possible by conserving the existing ceiling and flooring except elevating the wash area floor to adapt the drainage system. In addition, we exclusively designated the second floor for customers accompanied by family, and the window seat aligned with the widow height provides a play zone for young children as they are waiting. The thoughtful arrangement considerately satisfies the parent-customers taking care of their children.


Exterior Facade


The façade is finished with a clear glass door framed by changing-color LED lights and uniquely textured white wall paint. In the daytime, it delivers a minimalist style, while at night its appealing luminosity catches the eyes of passersby.


Reception Area


An extended wood panel design provides customers with a drop space. On the back of the counter, the geometric shapes implement distinctive layering. Besides, the wood boards on the open shelving echo the slant feature. A small wet bar with cabinetry facilitates the staff's serving of tea and snacks to the customers.


Workspace-The First Floor


On the 1st floor, the existing ceiling applied to a gray metal color sleekly shapes a modern interest. Pale golden furnishings on the left of the door accommodate a waiting zone. In the further room, the mirrored-front cabinet, behind the styling chairs, elevates reflective spaces. On the other hand, no direct lighting shines above the wash stations. In addition, an integral design applied with wood strips appears on the fluted glass partition and the wall.


Workspace-The Second Floor


We skillfully adopt a white hue to finish the second floor's ceiling and walls to distinguish it from the first floor. Its soundproof construction of perfection reserves a quality business space from noises caused by the residence above. Moreover, the arch mirrors, dark wood panels, and grayish-pink wallpapers compose the same staging as downstairs but from various materials. It is subtle to reveal a space in sophisticated transformation.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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