夕落月出垂柔弧 極光流溢縈幽謐


設計概念 Design Concept


艾美幸福設計 許捷甯 設計總監 善用建物挑高五米的優勢,將此案規劃為樓中樓屋型,創造出書房、主臥及主衛浴的夾層區域,同時保留客廳高度與開放性,並設計一面結合樓梯的義大利薄型大磚電視牆,在燈帶的輝映下,不僅展現晶瑩剔透的質感,更充盈場域的光影層次,成為一道入門即見的亮眼麗景。風格走向根據身為設計師舊識的業主氣質,整體以藍灰色為主調,表現出都會男子獨立、沉穩的個性,沙發背牆則採用輕柔的曙光青漆料,增添與親友在此聚會的溫馨感;二樓作為居者個人空間,主臥及衛浴運用黑、灰、白色系展現知性菁英感,搭配圓潤造型燈具與飄逸紗簾平衡整體氛圍,營造柔軟舒心的獨處時光

As the night falls, a dazzling aurora emerges, tracing an elegant and graceful arc in the sky and guiding residents toward higher and farther horizons. Ascending the steps, the moon-shaped wall lamp comes into view, presenting a delicate picture with a soft and warm glow, resulting in a romantic ambiance reminiscent of strolling through the starry sky, complemented by the spherical pendant lights swirling around. Experience the whimsical charm of wandering through the unknown cosmos, rediscovering the long-lost curiosity and childlike wonder.

Taking advantage of the five-meter ceiling height, Amy Studio's design director Amy Hsu designed the home as a duplex loft, creating a mezzanine level for the study, master bedroom, and Ensuite. This layout preserves the height and openness of the living room. We deliberately incorporated an Italian slim porcelain tile TV wall that integrates with the staircase. The backlit effect brilliantly showcases a crystal-clear texture and enriches the spatial interplay of light and shadows, becoming a captivating focal point upon entry. The design style aligns with the refined taste of the homeowner, using a blue-gray color scheme to convey a metropolitan, independent, and composed personality for the living area. The sofa back wall is painted in a soft dawn blue to add a warm touch for gatherings with friends and family. On the second floor, serving as the owner's sanctuary, we artfully employed black, gray, and white tones to evoke a sense of intellectual elegance in the master bedroom and ensuite. Balanced by rounded lighting fixtures and flowing sheer curtains, the overall ambiance creates a soft and comfortable atmosphere for moments of solitude. 

設計手法 Design Techniques

善用寸隅 完善所需

Maximizing Every Nook to Perfect the Needs


Pondering the homeowner's emphasis on audio-visual entertainment, we thoughtfully installed the TV in every area, with the second floor designated as the primary living space. Clear demarcation of shared and private areas ensures privacy. The first-floor room can be flexibly adapted to serve as an elderly parent's room, guest room, or dining room based on specific needs. The irregular space under the stairs is cleverly utilized with tailored seating and a modular cabinet to make the most of the house. The guest bathroom on the side is strategically positioned along the main circulation path. The original door leading to the kitchen is relocated to the stairs. Additionally, a bar counter and appliance cabinet are incorporated into the covered wall surface, facilitating the preparation of refreshments and hosting of guests by the homeowner.

心繫生態 健康生活

Caring for Ecology to Embrace Healthy Living


We maintain a high environmental awareness in every project, recommending homeowners opt for eco-friendly and non-toxic building materials. We skillfully chose materials from manufacturers with SGS green building certifications, allowing residents to embrace a fresh lifestyle while contributing indirectly to the sustainability of our planet. Additionally, we unleash creative ingenuity by repurposing surplus Italian slim porcelain tile from the TV wall for the kitchen worktop, which not only ensures water resistance and heat resistance but also prioritizes aesthetics, successfully crafting a high-quality dwelling that minimizes waste and pollution.

完備服務 共享美學

Comprehensive Services with Shared Aesthetics


In this project, we have meticulously planned everything from major structural elements to the finer details like bedding, cushions, and decorative items. Our goal is not only to enhance the convenience of residents but also to seamlessly integrate both the hardware and soft furnishing of the home, presenting a more complete and harmonious stylistic tone. Throughout the selection of furnishings, we artfully incorporated distinctive artworks, sculptures, and other artistic elements, which not only cultivate an overall aesthetic but also spark the homeowner's interest in art, leading to inquiries, discussions, and an enhanced appreciation for beauty. Simultaneously, we aim to establish a good and long-term customer relationship based on mutual trust and satisfaction.


Entryway & Living Room


Gently opening the door, the timber grid partition at the entryway, and the upper-level dark iron railing and track lights create simple and neat linear features. The central rattan-woven pendant light complements the scene, agreeably bringing a natural and carefree circumstance.




We retained the essential layout of the kitchen while making the most of the surplus surface and unconventional corners. We strategically incorporated a bar counter and appliance cabinets, creating a convenient space for entertaining guests from the adjacent living or multifunctional room.


Multifunctional Room


In the multifunctional room, we curated a space with a sofa bed, dining table, and chairs, providing the homeowners and their visiting friends a more comfortable and spacious area for gatherings and relaxation.




In the study, we emphasized the use of flexible soft furnishings, and the potential addition of sliding doors in the future can transform it into a separate space, preserving greater adaptability for the homeowners.


Master Bedroom


Considering the lower ceiling height on the upper floor, the master bedroom adopts a wardrobe-free design, complemented by an exquisite wooden dresser. This approach balances storage functionality with an unimpeded feel, providing the owner with a practical and comfortable sleeping sanctuary.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

新北市「200萬年薪」房貸族五年暴增近六成 申貸量近5,000件

新北市「200萬年薪」房貸族五年暴增近六成 申貸量近5,000件



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展現重建決心 北市整宅都更門檻「降至八成」拚加速

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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