閒·日和 悠然繪心境


設計概念 Design Concept


基於品牌一貫的環保理念,屋媞設計 雷巧華 設計總監 以綠建材系統板取代傳統木工,搭佐形色各異的實木家具,形塑令人放鬆的自然氛圍,並且在建案工程初期即接手格局規劃,為業主夫妻量身打造寬敞空間,無論是視覺畫面或身心感受,均盡享清幽閒適。

The Chinese poet once wrote, “Through the gate lies a path to the mountain, where the willows sway and a tranquil reading room awaits.” In our busy lives, how can we find a peaceful abode to soothe our souls? The warm glow of sunlight filters through a cozy, wooden interior, evoking a refreshing and laid-back vibe. Leave the outdoor noise behind and step into your exclusive sanctuary. There is no redundant camouflage and decoration within the distinguished space. Experience the tranquility of simply being and embrace the beauty of life. Amidst the hustle and bustle, soak up the warm sun and soft breeze. Nourish your mind and soul and create treasured memories with loved ones, year after year.

In keeping with our brand's commitment to environmental sustainability, Woty Interior Design's design director Kat Lei opts for eco-friendly building materials over traditional woodworking techniques, combined with a variety of natural solid wood furniture, to create a relaxing, natural atmosphere. From the outset of the project, we take charge of the layout planning to tailor a spacious living space for the homeowners. Whether it is a visual delight or a sense of well-being, both imbue a serene and peaceful ambiance, perfect for rejuvenating the mind, body, and soul.

設計手法 Design Techniques

侘寂 簡約舒適 悠閒清雅

Wabi-Sabi: Simple, Comfortable, and Serene


To realize a cozy home for the homeowners, a busy factory-owning couple, where they could truly relax, the entire room is designed with a fresh and comfortable style that reflects the couple's minimalist lifestyle. The warm and natural wooden tones complement the ample natural light, resulting in a soothing and healing circumstance. By reducing the proportion of furniture in the house and using a moderate amount of blank spaces, the storage function is centralized in the entryway storage room, which creates a lighter overall atmosphere. The female owner's handmade artworks, which can be changed according to mood and desire, make the space more personalized and aligned with the occupants' personalities.

情感 開闊空間 交流情感

Emotional Design: Open Space for Interaction and Connection


The homeowner's strong focus on comfort in the shared areas inspired the use of flexible design solutions, such as an open-plan kitchen and multi-functional space, allowing the female homeowner to indulge in her passion for sewing and handicrafts. A half-height kitchen island was installed as the only partition in the dining area, enabling the couple to interact and communicate unimpeded despite being in different fields while enjoying an open and airy layout. The laminate flooring in a long strip shape extended the sense of spaciousness, and the delicate wooden texture established a homey and cozy atmosphere throughout the room.

環保 長久安居 便利維護

Sustainable Living: Creating a Convenient and Eco-friendly Home


Considering long-term residency, the interior design features spacious circulation and convenient sliding doors to facilitate the elderly homeowners. We intentionally select latex paint that offers easy cleaning and maintenance while also providing a soft eggshell-like finish. Additionally, building materials consist of environmentally-friendly wood grain panels that match the texture of the natural solid wood furniture and reduce both construction time and environmental pollution.


Eat-in Kitchen


The kitchen island is carefully designed to maintain an unobstructed view, providing ample storage space with a clean and organized appearance by concealing kitchen appliances beneath the countertop. Adjacent to it is the rustic, earthy solid wood dining table and chairs that smoothly connects the cooking and dining areas, complemented by a combination of a white track bar and black pendant fixtures above. The lighting arrangement includes task-focused track lights and mood-setting pendant lights, creating a welcoming atmosphere for the dining area.


Living Room


We thoughtfully incorporated a large storage cabinet in the living room, designed to accommodate everyday items while balancing the depth of the cabinet and the lightweight look of the TV wall. The cabinet features a square-shaped design with varying depths, creating a layered effect in the front and back. The lower section is covered with a wooden laminate, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.


Multi-functional Area


The modular shelving system in the multi-functional area is constructed with white base end panels, blending seamlessly with the surrounding color scheme while protecting the wall coating. We deliberately arranged a nook by the window for the female owner to indulge in her passion for crafting and sewing. We furnished the area with adjustable light-filtering cellular shades, which provide ample light for detailed work and protect her eyes. The desk is crafted from carefully selected solid wood, cut into a unique shape, and retaining some of the original wood bark for a natural warmth touch in the living area.




The master bedroom features sliding doors that effortlessly merge into the wall, giving the room a sleek and modern feel. We employed wooden furniture and minimalist design to continue the homely and comfortable ambiance found in the communal spaces. Additionally, a simple and elegant bedside lamp that emits a warm glow gently brings a tranquil circumstance. We ingeniously incorporate a shared sink between the walk-in closet and bathroom. The unique approach is seldom seen in Taiwan, providing a more spacious bathing area and making it more convenient for the homeowner to maintain good hygiene during the pandemic.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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賣厝阿明/房客要遷戶籍 房東注意這三點

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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