勻光遊室 滿映柔憶


設計概念 Design Concept


實創設計 賴姿伊 設計總監 思及屋主夫婦珍惜與孩子互動的寶貴時光,家宅以客、餐廳為親子交流的主要場域,規劃開放式櫃體與層架,予以居者擺放飽含家庭回憶的紀念品,另考量日常起居的便利性,劃設連通各區域的流暢動線,並於玄關和小孩房採用推拉門設計,活化空間機動性與運用彈性,結合全室超耐磨木地板,為業主一家四口構築溫馨和暖的舒適家居

The warm morning sunlight floods into the room through the sheer curtains. Within the contrasting colored elegant ambiance, the indirect lighting acts in concert with the natural light to grace the memorable photos and collections. Valuable memories manifest love among the families. Close bonding engages everyone's hearts and every inch of the home.

Considering that the owner couple cherishes time being with their children, Joy Lai Design's design director Lai Chih Yi takes the living room and the dining area as the main interacting space. Then, we arranged open, floating shelves to display family souvenirs. For daily life convenience, plan smooth flows to connect different areas. And install sliding doors in the entryway and the kid's room to activate more function and flexibility of space. Overall, the family of four enjoys happiness in this balmy and cozy home finished with laminated flooring.

設計手法 Design Techniques

巧心點綴 新譯簡約意境

Ingenious Embellishment Rephrase Minimalism


As the owner prefers of understated and calm style, the living room is dominated by gray, black, and white. The brick-orange leather drawer front combined with the dark timber bookcase. Accompanied by light-shaded laminated flooring, the cool-warm colors integrate and bring a harmonious touch to the space. Besides, the sofa back wall is finished with fresh white coating and decorative trims; the clean lines expand the room visually. The latest multiple-layered patterns successfully show in the elegant modern residence.

妙運光影 形塑勻稱柔光

Clever lighting Design Shapes Elegant Atmosphere


Through indirect lighting, warm illumination evenly flows the whole space. The exquisite collections on the display shelves stand out by the recessed square down lights setting off. In addition, we set sufficient lighting for cooking and let more hazy sheen through the reeded glass screen. An illumination presentation in a freshening and welcoming home has been completed.

彈性空間 豐富場域機能

Flexible Spaces Enrich Functions


For the convenience of daily life, install a reeded glass sliding door by the foyer, so the owner may directly go into the adjacent kitchen to deal with the grocery. We also created continuous and adjustable flows for the young children in the family. A black-framed clear glass pocket door replaced the solid wall between two secondary bedrooms. As a result, a spacious field as a playroom reveals perfectly when the sliding door is pushed aside; as the sliding door closes, the space transforms to separate bedrooms. Therefore, the layout plan facilitates functional flexibility.




Coming into the entryway, you can see a large light-shaded wooden shoe cabinet on the left, which provides sufficient storage space. The reeded glass sliding door on the opposite opens up access to the kitchen but keeps the privacy for the residents. The arrangement creates a functional and convenient entrance.


Kitchen & Dining Area


We set up an open galley kitchen and furnished an island with a sink to add preparing spaces, and plan benefits an efficient cooking workflow with everything easy to reach. In the adjacent dining area, leather chairs match a wood-metal dining table presenting a warm and modern touch. Next, the white marble veiny wall perfectly sets off the above abstract artwork. On the other side, a dark timber bookcase possesses both storage and display functions. The artistic and elegant elements echo each other to create an exquisite dining vibe.


Living Room


We arranged a beige sofa and a black & white nesting coffee table in the living room. Accompanied by the white sheer and inky drapery, the wall with neat trims behind the sofa presents the beauty of minimalism. Three levels of steel floating shelves installed on the white marble wall take place for the TV set and provide the owners to display memorable photos and decorations symbolizing profound family bonding.


Master Bedroom


Continuing the understated minimalist style of the public area, we finish the walls behind the bed and at the end of the bed with baking enamel paint. With plenty of clean strings, the wall coating reveals a modern vibe. To cohere the color scheme, the cool-colored striped bedding, the warm wooden cabinets, and the nightstand harmonize with the natural light through the filmy Venetian blinds. They cooperated to create a balmy and tranquil sleeping zone.


Children's Room


We selected light wood furnishings for the children's room. On the other hand, the internal door and the pocket door frames were by black metallic trims. Hence, a modern style with a soft touch creates a comfortable ambiance. Then, we installed leather upholstered wall panels to keep the children safe. Finally, set window seats to invite the owners to share wonderful family time with their children.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒



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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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