黑白幻域巧弄燈光 冽芒躍閃極勁逐風


設計概念 Design Concept


將販售機車精品的品牌形象化作實體,御坊室內設計 張博昱 設計總監、高慧雅 設計師 利用線燈及線條造型打造流暢速度感,搭襯象徵車身的鐵件,及仿擬椅墊紋理的黑白布紋系統板,共創明亮時尚的場域,並選用可回收的無毒綠建材、耐用的LED燈具,降低對大自然的負擔,展現商家注重永續發展的精神。

The sleek black-and-white space emanates a simple yet striking atmosphere, evoking the feeling of being in a futuristic spaceship. In an instant, a vibrant splash of red captures the gaze, harmoniously set against the backdrop of yellow and white acrylic lettering and mesmerizing reeded glass. These elements, reminiscent of the iconic speedometer found on motorcycles, seamlessly converge to form the distinctive brand logo. This design brilliantly highlights the essence of the products and simultaneously leaves a profound and memorable impression on customers.

By materializing the brand image of selling motorcycle accessories, Yufang Design’s design director Chang Po Yu, designer Kao Hui Ya meticulously employ linear lights and sleek line designs to evoke a sense of fluidity and speed. These elements perfectly complement the metallic components of the body of a motorcycle and black-and-white textured engineered panels resembling seat cushions, bringing about a luminous and trendy area. Additionally, we prioritize exploiting recyclable and non-toxic green building materials and durable LED lighting fixtures hopefully lessening the impact on the environment and exemplifying the business's dedication to sustainable development.

設計手法 Design Techniques

功能分區 巧用空間

Functionally Divided and Optimize the Space


This project encompasses two floors, with the first floor dedicated to commercial functions. Focused spotlights accentuate the featured products while cleverly utilizing the irregular space beneath the stairs, incorporating storage cabinets and expandable platforms. This design facilitates product photography within the store and supports online marketing endeavors. The second floor serves the dual purpose of a staff break room and a reception room, creating a serene and welcoming environment through a minimalist color palette and gentle lighting.

時尚線條 柔弧過渡

Stylish Linear Feature with Soft Curves


This interior design concept takes inspiration from circuit boards, extensively incorporates clean linear features to create a futuristic and technological atmosphere. The space is adorned with linear lights, illuminating the room evenly while guiding the way to the second-floor reception area via the staircase. The seamless transition of the space is achieved through the use of curved corners and indirect lighting.

系統板材 多元質感

Versatile Textures with Systematic Panels


By incorporating a range of textures such as pure white, fabric patterns, and marble, this interior design concept skillfully employs systematic panels to create a diverse array of tactile experiences. Upon entering the first floor, the cabinet doors behind the counter feature a visually appealing design with concave and convex elements, transforming storage cabinets into sleek and clutter-free wall formations. As one ascends to the second floor, the stone-patterned panels serve a dual purpose as the TV wall and the bathroom door, resulting in a visually striking and grand ambiance.


Front Counter & Display Area


Upon stepping inside, the front counter is enveloped in waist-high metal partitions with rounded edges, alleviating any oppressive, cramped feeling and creating a welcoming first impression. The cabinets at the rear are thoughtfully designed with an upward taper to accommodate the countertop sink, ensuring the safety of staff members during usage. On the opposite side, a display area presents a variety of components using groove panels and movable shelves, allowing store clerks to arrange product showcases effortlessly.


Second Floor Reception Area


The TV wall on the second floor gracefully incorporates curved lines and metallic materials in the corner, skillfully enlarging the space and creating an expansive visual impact. Harmonized with the gentle illumination cascading from the ceiling, it sets the stage for a reception area that exudes elegance and comfort.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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