清雅木色薰染碧空 齊塑無垠排雲幽景


設計概念 Design Concept


崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 運用擅長的意象式設計,將高樓窗景轉化為層疊而上的天花板造型,形塑雲氣排開般的遼闊場面,巧妙結合清水模、實木皮、水泥漆三種材料,詮釋天地相映的風貌,並規劃彈性空間與休憩機能,打造恬逸的世外桃源

Gently pull the sheer curtains aside, pop the vast blue sky and phantasmagoric clouds look like a quodis arcana. Plan clear, unimpeded layouts to link up each functional domain of the space and bond family affection. Supplement neutral Earth tone and balmy wooden elements; ingeniously create a cozy, elegant residence. Also, arrange multi-layered settings that indicate an advanced, blissful future that the family will achieve.

Skillfully play the invented fictional design that C.J.HOUSE DESIGN designers Cheng Liao and Jung Liao are good at, and transform the scenic views of a high-rise building into a tier upon tier pattern of the ceiling, shaping a boundless look of rising clouds. Brilliantly exploiting fair-faced concrete, solid wooden veneers, and cement textured paint to present the scenery of heaven and earth. Moreover, plan variable spaces and lounging features and excellently create a home of peace and happiness.

設計手法 Design Techniques

視野遼闊 情感共鳴

Extensive view; emotional resonance


Integrate the outdoor blue sky and cloud view into the design, artfully set up a ceiling with layers from the entryway, the dining room to the living room. And bring an imaginary picture of the vast sky with the curvy pattern, initiating association and resonance betwixt the residents and the external environment. Ingeniously plan comfortable span of each domain and smooth flows of movement. In addition, choose transparent glass to erect a partition between the dining area and the kitchen to bring a clear and penetrating vision of the public domains and fashion a cozy and serene ambiance, firmly bonding the family affection.

色彩調和 天地氛圍

Concordant base tone; pristine unsophisticated ambiance


Exploit solid wood veneers to manifest the focal points of the interior facades, and go with the fair-faced concrete walls, bringing about a rustic natural atmosphere. Moreover, supplement with white paint, harmoniously utilizing the three elements to correspond to the selected materials of the ceilings and creating an understated, agreeable tone of the whole space. Taking advantage of the excellent natural lighting of the foundation, we merely install recessed lights favored by the homeowner as the main lighting and improve brightness via linear-shaped fixtures, successfully rendering a peaceful and warm vibe.

彈性空間 便利操作

Alterable layouts; handy features


Set up an aluminum-framed glass sliding door to integrate the kitchen into the public area and effectively block the cooking oil fume. And enhance the handy features through the hidden door handle and magnetic levitation track design; on ordinary days, it can be pulled aside into the entryway cabinet to keep a concise and well-ordered situation.

長遠規劃 舒適機能

Everlasting plan; well-furnished circumstance


Pave laminate flooring with an excellent water-resistant feature and exploit moisture-proof, eco-friendly system panels to build up a safe and healthy living environment that is favorable for long-term usage and inherits timelessly. Elevate the floor behind the sofa to configure a comfortable multi-functional area. Arrange a long storage bench and equips sockets, then fixes a semi-open wall-mounted bookshelf to place books and display knick-knacks. Set a window couch, which can also serve as a platform for various leisure activities. And meticulously leave space for laying a piano in the future so that the children can enjoy playing music here.


Entryway foyer


We set up an L-shaped wooden console cabinet with soft lighting in the entryway foyer, warmly embracing people back home; the open platform is suitable for placing personal items and displaying artwork. On the other side, we design a wall-mounted wardrobe with a seat that meets the quotidian needs of laying outdoor clothes, handbags, and changing shoes. Moreover, we erect an aluminum-framed screen between the foyer and the living room to solve the geomancy taboo of the evil hallway. With sincere hearts, we hope the family will have a blissful life and harmonious relationship.


Leisure living room


We finished the main wall of the living room with fair-faced concrete to set off the solid wood veneer TV wall and installed warm recessed light on the right to enhance the refined detail. Moreover, adorn the corner of the wall with timber boards and correspond to the entryway console cabinet via the identical L-shape, skillfully keeping up the balmy design feature.


We opt for light brown furnishings and a ceiling fan with wooden blades to go with the Earth-toned living room. Hang the ceiling fan on the air conditioning vent to bring excellent air circulation. In addition, we hang gray drop cloth curtains and white sheer curtains on the French windows to create a gentle and elegant atmosphere. And take advantage of the zebra shades, which bring about a secluded and relaxing situation of the leisure nook behind the sofa.


Kitchen and dining area


We install transparent glass pendant lamps to transmit brilliant lighting. Then, set up square system cabinets adjoin the dining table and adjacent to the kitchen sliding doors to meet the needs of laying various domestic appliances, and the tops of the cabinets can serve as outstretched spaces for preparing meals.




We adopt the bright, clean white tinge to finish the bedroom ceiling and interior facade and set a secret door to hide the entrance of the dressing room, successfully fashioning a neat and tidy layout. Then, we exploit fair-faced concrete and wood veneers to finish the wall at the end of the bed to conceal the structural columns; the symmetrical design finely forms a consistent style. The upside-down U-shaped system cabinet provides a lot of storage space. And we leave a blank space in the middle, which can hang paintings and display decorations, artfully injecting aesthetic ambiance into daily life.


Continuing the design style of the public domains, we finish the wall above the headboard with fair-faced concrete to set off the solid wood headboard and go with a sconce and ambient lighting, presenting a stable and comfy layout. The vertical wood grain wainscot complements the wall-mounted vanity table and ingeniously expands the space through the large dressing mirror.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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OPEN Design

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