奢麗石紋鋪敘雅緻 暖木交融現代美境


設計概念 Design Concept


詠絮室內設計 回應屋主明確區分公、私領域的需求,我們重劃室內格局,打通主臥與鄰近房間,規劃為更衣間兼工作室,並於玄關及餐廳側邊設置眾多櫃體,輔以清玻櫃門,兼顧收納及展示效果,實現典雅美觀的機能家宅

In the richly layered space, tender timber, stylish stone, glossy metal, and glass with sophisticated luster made a perfect concert to shape the elegant home. Sleek trims on the ceiling and the facade created a nifty fashionable trend. Accordingly, the homeowner’s family of three accompanies each other in the residence of eclectic texture.

YUNG HSU INTERIOR DESIGN planned the space as public and private zones to satisfy the homeowner’s demands. By breaking through the solid wall between the master bedroom and the adjacent room, we built a spacious walk-in closet with a home office. Installation of abundant cabinets and assorted clear glass doors at the entrance and the side of the dining room provided storage and display functions. We implemented a home with aesthetics and living facilitation.

設計手法 Design Techniques

異材相偕 現代質韻

Element Diversity & Modern Appeal


This project composed a distinctive modern flair via layering with multiple elements such as timber, stone, and coating. Along the entryway to the dining space, the right-sided timber cabinets emit a tender feel; its glass front corresponds to the antique tinted mirror sliding door by the dining table. And then, a trimmed grayish wall expands towards the living room. Gradually, the glossy texture transformed into travertine veins of the TV wall. The aesthetics of material diversity adequately reveals the wall design. In all spaces, we recessed lighting fixtures in the tray ceilings dividing individual areas. Above the dining space, we finished the faux ceiling with fair-faced concrete wallpapers and assorted black-painted recesses. For adding layering, linear patterns were applied from the wall to the top.

巧變格局 複合機能

Layout Transformation & Multi-functions


Responding to the homeowner’s request, we planned a walk-in closet with a home office by breaking through the solid wall between the master bedroom and the adjacent room. A wooden sliding door is divided into separate spaces to keep privacy in both parts. As a result, the homeowners can have a resting zone and a working area simultaneously.

環保板材 養護簡易

Eco-friendly Materials & Easy Maintenance


Based on the eco-friendly principle, we used Green Building Label building materials, such as calcium silicate boards for ceilings and film-faced plywood for cabinets. In advance, sufficient storage function is provided by a mass of cabinetry. With durable and facilitated quality imported hardware, the drawers and sliding door recessed tracks make the home more satisfying.


Living Room


We chose silver-gray travertine, as the homeowner’s preference, to decorate the TV wall. The natural veins and diffusing pitted holes create a unique look. And then, assort with a trimmed light gray facade, appealingly echoing the marble-textured wallpaper behind the sofa. Besides, the tinted mirrors enlarged the space visually and harmonized the whole field with an extravagant quality.


Kitchen & Dining Area


Arrange a woody sideboard in the dining area to continue the wooden approach of the kitchen and bring a balmy vibe to the field. And on the opposite wall, we installed a sliding partition assorted with tinted glass and antique mirrors for layering the facade. The homeowners select a stone dining table at the center spot with black leather chairs to appeal to a nifty and warm dining space.


Master Bedroom Ensuite


In the private space, we finished it with laminated wood flooring. The dark-shaded elements are integrated with yellow light to bring a tranquil and balmy atmosphere. Considering the allergic constitution of the homeowner, we substitute the model-upholstered headboard with striped wallpapers. Moreover, set two adjustable lamps on both sides to provide sufficient illumination for bedside reading and devise a warm and restful space.


A wood strip paneled door with a fluted glass transom separated the bedroom and the closet - office. The door texture helped with the warm touch, and its clean lines shaped an organized space. A desk and closets embellished with ink painting art interlayer film glass enrich the visual treat. Moreover, a movable vanity settlement can adapt to future space adjustments.


Secondary Bedroom


We took bright shades as the primary color palette in the secondary bedroom. Grayish geometric pattern wallpaper set off light blue bedding created an expansive spatial effect. Besides, we built a wall-mounted platform for audio and video facilities placement. The space is functional and entertaining to meet the user’s needs.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

房市三稅目 持續成長

房市三稅目 持續成長

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




房貸放款縮 房市三稅月增幅減

房貸放款縮 房市三稅月增幅減

房市三稅目 持續成長

房市三稅目 持續成長

受央行「限貸令」影響 商業不動產投資信心下滑

受央行「限貸令」影響 商業不動產投資信心下滑




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