當代工藝拓印往跡 赤心承遞悠久饌香


設計概念Design Concept


翻轉街邊小吃熱氣蒸騰、環境隨性的印象,詠絮室內設計 以寬裕的動線、敞亮的用餐空間,搭配俐落的幾何線條與肌理豐富的特殊塗料,如同一碗麵食蘸著風味各異的醬料,將現代美學工藝揉入傳統麵店,為深耕多年的在地老店另闢嶄新風貌,也賦予顧客味蕾與視覺兼具的美食饗宴。

Golden sun glints on the simple and pure white building pretty well set off the quiet street scenes, vigorously sparkling with a refreshing and brilliant ambiance that complements the sharp red logo on the wall. Walking into the restaurant, the modern counter area paved with varied gray textures welcomes the customers. They have served fragrant noodles for nearly 30 years and now present a delectable taste that perfectly blends innovation and pleasant remembrance for the food lover.

Differing from the general impression of the hustle and bustle dining environment of street foods, YUNG HSU INTERIOR DESIGN concisely reconfigures the spacious and comfortable layout integrated with clean linear features and interesting coating texture. Agreeably intermingle modern aesthetics with the traditional noodle shop, just like a bowl of noodles with rich dripping sauce, fashion the long-established restaurant with an up-to-date style also plates up tasty and enjoyable meals for customers.

設計手法Design Technique

實地規劃 描繪精準格局

Precisely refurbish the layout after the visit in person


We not only sketch the interior design on paper but come to visit the restaurant in person. Appositely create seating arrangements for up to 70 guests, place the tables at least 130 cm apart, and leave the 170 cm passage to give a safe working environment so that the customers and servers can share the inviting and spacious dining area with a smooth flow.

層次塗料 彰顯品牌風貌

Perfectly manifest the brand image with layering coating


We exploit the fair-faced concrete and different coating to enhance the complex form of the interior surface. Eyeing from the rough gray wall on the right side of the entrance, we delicately apply the Italian coating with a concrete-like texture and imprint the brand logo and flower motif on it to perform an exceptional and welcoming atmosphere. Instead of the prevailing white wall, we artfully furnish a cos-architectural concrete wall for the dining area. The surface doesn't absorb pollutants and can be easily wiped and cleaned, avoiding the complicated process of touch-up painting. And meticulously re-style the end of the dining area with the timber grid partition and circular mirrors. Furthermore, we brilliantly show the core spirit of the store and show off the diligence and enthusiasm of the chef via the brick-red-finishing wall at the condiment area that brings a stunning focal point to the restaurant.

幾何線燈 注入蜿蜒光暈

Brilliantly introduce twisty luminescence via geometric light fixtures


Owing to the high ceiling, we artfully installed strip and recessed lights and hung up tailor-made aluminum light fixtures to enhance the illumination of the large room. Then similarly decorate the lightning on the surrounding surface, adding a rich linear pattern. Moreover, we exploit the ring pendant light to correspond to the circular mirrors in the wooden dining area, gently resulting in a balmy and pleasant vibe.


Front Counter


Skillfully lay the hexagonal tiles from the flooring to the facade of the front counter, which combined the exquisite marble materials, assorts with the mounted iron shelf at the side and the unique feature wall, remarkably creating a welcoming ambiance to the place for over 20 years serving. We strikingly exploit the Carrara white marble to manifest the brand logo, artfully casting the polished marble front desk. Furthermore, meticulously set a square entrance on the side that grows a concise feeling but visually rich space.


Side Dish Display Area


Cleverly utilize the clear-glass bar with the food graphic hanging above, allowing customers to discern the ingredients easily in a clean and tidy environment. We reveal an arched entrance that connects the service area and the kitchen. The curved shape meets the proprietor’s taste in retro style, wonderfully interweaving with the modern design.


Dining Area


We skillfully reconfigure the dining area for 2-seater tables and 4-person tables. Excellently place a long bench with the grey-tinted glass partition on the seat back at the center of the service area that can bring about unimpeded views and provide privacy for the diners on both sides withal. In addition, we moderately exploit the timber grid partition and waist-height wooden veneers at the end of the dining room to satisfy the proprietor's fondness and perform a warmhearted circumstance.


Sauce-making Area


Brilliantly finish the sauce-making area with a vivid red color palette manifesting the enthusiasm that the proprietor's never lost and representing an eye-catching featured wall. Ingeniously install the indirect illumination for two oval-shaped recesses, which imply the brand logo, and display the tailored noodle bowls designed by the owner. The area serves as the focal impression of the restaurant and demonstrates a clear brand image.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

6月建築融資餘額創高 房貸餘額同攀高點

6月建築融資餘額創高 房貸餘額同攀高點

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




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