樸質踏⽯滾汐浪 深蘊澄光凝創想


設計概念 Design Concept


崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 藉由開放的場域規劃與落地窗,營造寬敞明亮的視覺感受,並結合木質、簡潔線條及自然光線等元素,形塑現代簡約、北歐純粹的複合風格,而立面粉刷純白的乳膠漆,鋪設間隔透光的實木格柵、暗金色美耐板,搭配硬軟裝的弧狀曲線,則表現為公司精神的原石象徵,流露踏實循序的設計性格。

Stepping into the design studio amid the hustle and bustle of urban seems like situating the relaxed seashore. The ceiling, interior facades, flooring, furniture, and furnishings artfully manifest impressive features and glamorous textures through simple patterns. Thereupon, reveal the down-to-earth ethos of the design studio.

C. J. HOUSE DESIGN designers Cheng Liao and Jung Liao carefully plan an open space with large French windows to create a roomy, bright visual effect. Take advantage of wooden elements, concise linear features, and natural lighting to fashion an eclectic style of Simple Modern and New Nordic. Coat the walls with pure white latex paint; set wooden gratings and dark blonde laminated skirting boards; arrange arc-shaped soft furnishings, ingeniously signify the earnest, well-organized principles of the design studio.

設計手法 Design Techniques

原石意象 蘊藏光彩

Natural stone features contain glamorous brilliance


The marbling texture of the exterior appearance, coffee table, storage cabinets, and half-height partition is in tune with clean white interior walls. The interior finish and soft furnishing artfully appear for natural stone features. In addition, we opt for solid wood veneers and gratings to finish the interior facades and assort with a linear shape light fixture and glossy laminate sheets, gently bringing out the exceptional brilliance of the space and carrying out the true inner beauty of the design studio. And the straight-linear-patterned solid wood floor conveys the studio's well-organized trait.

勾勒圓弧 環節相扣

Circular arc settings with concordant details


The connection of the ceiling and interior walls, recessed light grooves, meeting desk, coffee table, and built-in shelving all contain arc features, skillfully corresponding to the design theme of natural stone shapes. And then, take advantage of vary-shaped fixtures, such as the pendant light above the meeting desk and the floor lamp at the corner of the negotiation area, brilliantly showing the striking visual design.

簡約佈局 空間明朗

The simple layout results in a breezy, well-lit space


We design an open-patterned office to create a spacious situation with smooth flows. In particular, separate the negotiation area from the office lounge and reception areas. Then, erect an iron-framed figured glass screen to divide different functional areas. Introduce brilliant daylight indoors through the large French windows; while setting off appeal vibe via recessed lighting at night. Furthermore, install varying light fixtures like the oval ring hanging lamp and the trendy floor lamp to improve brightness.


Exterior appearance


We opt for Italian imported marbling tile slabs to set up a feature wall of the design studio exterior appearance, which gives the clients a "remarkable" impression at first sight. We dispense with the conventional idea of setting a plane entrance but substitute it with an angled front door. Moreover, the unique design meets the Chinese geomancy belief in welcoming the God of wealth and bringing a prosperous foreground to the studio.


Office lounge area


To meet the studio design theme of setting a beach-like situation, we hollow out a few vary-sized circles of the reception area facade to represent bubbles in the water. Then, place a striking geometric-shaped coffee table to signify a natural stone. In addition, lay an area rug to imply a white-sand beach, brilliantly creating a peaceful and pleasant coastal vibe. To the last, arrange a bright yellow sofa amid the situation finished with solid wood and white tone, injecting a vibrant color into the space.


Negotiation area


We set up an island with open shelving in the negotiation area to meet the demand of picking design samples handy. The white artificial stone countertop and adjoined solid wooden desktop agreeably echo the materials and shades of the whole design. And we install a stylish oval ring shape pendant light above the meeting desk to present a symmetrical feature. In addition, make good use of the awkward corner to design an open pattern built-in shelving, which can lay in and display fine-art creations. Furthermore, embed indirect lighting to bring about an amiable and homely atmosphere.


Reception area


We opt for artificial stone to erect an L-shaped half-height partition of the reception area. Then, design a unique large white system build cabinet equips side pullout basket to serve as reference settings for the proprietors. Behind the reception counter, we mount three-tier shelves on the wooden grating and correspond to the design features through sleek arc edges.


The secret door beside the art painting integrates the white wall, resulting in a clean and consistent look. We exploit dark blonde laminate hard-plastic sheets to set the skirting boards, wooden grating, and recessed-light grooves to enhance the refined texture of the interior space with soft glosses. The implicit brilliance of laminate sheets complements the warm texture of wooden veneers, revealing the deep-rooted and outstanding connotation of the design studio.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

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「市區老屋 vs. 郊區預售屋」頭期款一樣怎麼選? 1關鍵讓答案一面倒

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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