柔⽩漫溢無印暖調 圓曲層疊清雅蘊寓


設計概念 Design Concept

空間以純白畫布為基底,在木質筆觸搭佐燈光軟件下,一幅溫潤美好的家景應運而生。作為預備的新婚房,棠禾設計 曾智和 設計總監 希望以簡單舒適為主要核心,給予更多空間,放入屋主喜愛的物品,能隨時依照喜好和需求,做彈性變動。風格上依循屋主的喜好,公領域的部分,採日式無印風格,私領域為北歐簡約調性,整體色調柔和相融,讓休憩本質最大化。為避免空間視覺過於單調,也呼應業主活潑的性格,我們在天花板及門片上,做了細微的變化,既有點綴效果亦不顯突兀——讓設計融於生活,讓生活貼近舒適。

The space is like a clean canvas. A warm and beautiful home scene comes into being through the wooden elements and glamorous light fixtures. Tang He Design design director TSENG CHIH HE accentuates simplicity and coziness to design the house for newlyweds. For instance, arrange sufficient spaces for the homeowner to organize their favorite objects by needs. And in the shared domain, we adopt a Japanese-Muji style and opt for a Nordic-Simplicity tone in the private area, successfully fulfilling the homeowners' preferences and creating a relaxed, harmonious situation. In addition, we decorate the doors and ceilings with refined moldings and trims to avoid monotonous perception and please the extroverted owner, brilliantly integrating the design with life and bringing a comfortable lifestyle.

設計手法 Design Techniques

跳色處理 視覺新意

Flash color schemes bring about creative visual effects


We opt for pale wooden grain materials and complement pastel-colored home decors to succeed in the owner's favorite Muji style. And, when soft lighting illuminates the overall space, it is full of a tranquil atmosphere. In addition, we apply contrasting colors to present various appeals to the same-textured surroundings. For instance, finish the living room ceiling and interior walls with pure white paint but apply light gray coating on the partial TV wall to enhance the distinctive feature. Also, the walls and cabinets of the bedrooms adopt an identical flash color scheme, which brings innovative touches to the homey resting space.

線條層次 營造律動

Smooth linear patterns generate vivid flowing rhythms


We hope to manifest the simple yet grand imposing layout of the 66 square feet project; accordingly, we pay much attention to designing the ceiling patterns. We set a layering-shaped ceiling to create an extended feeling in the transition between the living room and the dining area. Then, set up a sleek curve-trimmed TV wall that perfectly serves as a striking focal point of the house. Moreover, the arc pattern ceiling in the main bedroom seamlessly echoes the design themes. Thence, we create an unimpeded situation and delightful views of the whole space.

形隨機能 量身定做

Tailor-made settings satisfy the required functions


To think out of the box, we design customized functional cabinets to meet the homeowners' needs. First, set up a suspended large-scale cabinet in the entryway to achieve a lightweight visual effect and also facilitate the sweeping robot to work. Then, slightly raise the open cabinet next to the full-length mirror to shape a platform for wearing shoes. Furthermore, arrange a sideboard in the dining area to place kitchen utensils and add fancy touches via glamorous lines and shades.




We adopt the wooden-Muji style as the base tone and opt for pastel-color hexagonal decorative tiles to set a mudroom at the entrance to form an interesting visual contrast, bringing vibrant touches to the minimalist design, which also vaguely indicates the transition of space. Then, we set up a large-scale integrated cabinet with placing shoes, storage, and display features from the foyer to the living room. And a part of the open pattern storage cabinet can also serve as a shoe stool. All functions are well organized.


Dining area




The design of the dining area focuses on the ceiling. First, we exploit wood veneers to create a Japanese atmosphere and conform to the overall style. Then, in the transition to the living room, we set an asymmetrical faux ceiling to adjoin the hallway ceiling, skillfully shaping an inviting view.

The kitchen door cannot be made too high, which will affect the operation of the elevator. However, the homeowner does not want to feel compact because of the low height, so we additionally make a decorative trim above the aluminum sliding door to bring an extension vision through the high-low layers.

The design team custom-made an appealing contrast-colored sideboard to satisfy the homeowners' needs and spliced decorative tiles to echo the entryway flooring design.


Living room


We exploit aesthetic gray faux fair-faced concrete coating and easy-cleaned chill white baking finish to set the TV wall, which adds refreshing features to an otherwise wooden layout. As the homeowner hopes to convert the traditional square shape, we skillfully trim an arc ending to pair with the goldfish-shaped wall clock that symbolizes wealth gathering. The natural light and indoor illuminations reflect on the crown moldings of the ceiling, brilliantly performing vivid light and shadow.




We set up an extraordinary arc-patterned ceiling in the main bedroom to adorn the pressure beam above the bed. And then finish the walls with varied tinges to echo the design theme of the living room TV wall. While the wooden cabinets in the secondary bedroom adopt the identical design of the sideboard in the dining area, different depth settings ingeniously achieve storage needs and bring a pleasant look to the space.








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OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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