清朗簡潔日式空間 享受涼風吹拂的下午茶時光

撰文者-DECO TV編輯部
逸憩 Leisure Break
The degree of comfort and tolerance presented by a space significantly relies on the arrangement of the circulation, as well as the logic of the allocation for the units.
This project contains a residence with an actual area of around 50 square meters. The priority key to the floor plan is altering the entrance to the bathroom, making it face the foyer instead of the dining room and the kitchen spaces, thereby improving the privacy of the bathroom while reinforcing the completeness of the dining room and the kitchen, as well as giving the bathroom facilities with a more rational positioning.
Secondly, the originally closed kitchen is opened up to maximize the public area. The dining ware storage cabinet is combined with a halved television wall, along with a foldable mobile dining table on the side to offer a more sentimental, efficient and flexible scenario atmosphere.
The hexagonal floral tiles used for the flooring of the foyer engage in an intimate conversation with the flooring of the public area, distinctively separating the interior from the exterior. The large mirror on the sidewall is convenient for the family members to tidy up their looks, while also extending the depth of field via the mirrored images.
The living room is based on a refreshing and simple style, while the design of the halved television wall not only saves space but further optimized the interaction between the units; a side table and two chairs arranged in front of the white curtain makes it the ideal corner for taking a pleasant afternoon tea break.
The customized ingenious functions also act as the highlights, such as the TRX suspending fitness equipment in front of the French window in the living room, the multi-functional dining counter/cabinet, as well as the independent changing room and dressing area are all the keys to enhancing the sense of ceremony in life!
Taking an overview of the project, natural materials are selected to go with bright and warm earth colors to layout the livable atmosphere, while also creating abundant layers of variations between lights and shadows, as well as the visual flowing beauty.

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