懷煦柔光照綠意 閒適靜謐盈居所


設計概念 Design Concept


震騰設計 林喬立 設計總監 思及業主夫妻對子女的愛護,全案採用綠建材標章材料構築,期許給予孩童健康無毒的生活環境,並優化舊屋格局,將樓梯拉為直線路徑,釋放的空間化為遊戲區,再結合開放式公領域,令父母能隨時看顧孩子,一齊度過滿溢親情的無憂童年。

An expanse of fresh new lawn, thoughtfully laid by the window, beckons the soothing verdant outdoors. It accompanies the classical stone textures and the captivating fish tank, infusing this domicile, dressed predominantly in black, white, and gray, with a breath of serene comfort. It gracefully meanders amidst the sleek lines delineated by iron fixtures, collectively presenting a modern style that is both minimalistic and inviting.

With the well-being of the homeowner's children in mind, J.D.K INTERIOR DESIGN‘s design director Jerry Lin carefully crafted this entire space by using eco-friendly materials, aiming to provide a healthy and toxin-free living environment for the little ones. We optimized the layout of the existing house by redesigning the staircase into a straight pathway, freeing up space for a dedicated play area. Coupled with the open-plan living space, parents can now keep a watchful eye on their children, spending worry-free and love-filled moments together, ensuring a blissful and carefree childhood.

設計手法 Design Techniques

巧整格局 通透場域

Clever Layout for An Airy and Open Environment


We strategically reconfigured the layout of the first floor into an open-plan shared area, providing the homeowners with a spacious living space to entertain family and friends. Additionally, the staircase, originally located next to the bathroom, was transformed into a straight design and repositioned behind the TV wall. This adjustment resolved any privacy concerns stemming from its previous position facing the entryway. The freed-up space is now equipped with floor padding, serving as a play area for the children. And we meticulously chamfered the surrounding cabinets to enhance the safety of their playtime.

簡約現代 綠意妝點

Sleek Monochrome Elegance with a Touch of Greenery


This project embraces a color palette dominated by black, white, and gray, complemented by sleek metallic accents, crafting a concise and clean look. The turf is artfully placed by the living room window, harmonizing with the outdoor greenery. Above the kitchen island, stylish shelving units are designed to display potted plants, inviting natural elements indoors and brilliantly introducing a sense of vitality for the residents.

充裕收納 專屬機能

Efficient Storage Solutions Tailored to Functionality


We cleverly maximized every inch of space, transforming the irregular area under the staircase into a generous storage cabinet, offering ample storage options. To align with the male homeowner's interests, a saltwater fish tank is elegantly integrated into the left side of the entryway cabinet, becoming a striking centerpiece upon entering the home. The kitchen design caters to the female homeowner's passion for baking, introducing a spacious Italian slim porcelain tile island with excellent stain resistance, allowing for the creation of various pastries. The personalized living environment design seamlessly incorporates the family's interests and entertainment needs into the space that perfectly complements their lifestyle.


Living Room


We set up a storage nook that ingeniously incorporates the living room window side, providing homeowners with a convenient space for stashing everyday essentials. The wall adjacent to the sofa features a unique finish replicates the natural stone texture, harmonizing with the opposite dark stone-patterned cabinet. Adjacent to this, the TV wall adopts a subtle gray tone and is perfectly complemented by a projector screen that enhances the visual depth. Above, a large expanse of gray-tinted glass has been integrated into the wall, offering a dual purpose: it allows parents to keep an eye on their children from the second floor while ensuring the privacy of personal spaces.


Dining Area & Play Space


The dining area seamlessly extends the modern design theme. A long white marble-patterned table, complemented by a curvaceous pendant light, elegantly results in a clear-off and stylish circumstance. At the border of the dining and play area, we cleverly exploit a rotating TV column, allowing for viewing whether you're dining or relaxing.




At the juncture of the kitchen and dining area, we brilliantly installed a glass sliding door with metallic elements to eliminate cooking odors. Inside the kitchen, we thoughtfully designed open shelving with a dark color scheme to neatly organize the baking equipment and wine cooler for the homeowners. The upper cabinets, finished with matte black lacquer, not only enhance the overall texture and enrich spatial dynamics but also accentuate the elegant texture of the white central island.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

高雄建工商圈 潛力雄厚

高雄建工商圈 潛力雄厚

中古屋是預售屋6折價 高雄三行政區「買新不如買舊」

中古屋是預售屋6折價 高雄三行政區「買新不如買舊」

新北中和「德光安居」社宅估2029年完工 供258戶入住

新北中和「德光安居」社宅估2029年完工 供258戶入住

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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