襯心潤色醞卓藝 漫漫恬境秉興遊


設計概念 Design Concept


以簡約風格為設計核心,喬藝設計 王沁淩 設計總監 攜手一家五口,共同研擬夢想生活的樣貌,在這座透天宅邸中,規劃開放式公領域,接待親友熱鬧聚會,並融匯孩童喜愛的粉、綠色彩,挑選特色軟裝、打造專屬臥室,使每位家庭成員,皆可擁有與自己心神契合的歸屬境地。

The calm and tranquil gray tone complements the warm Morandi color palette, artfully presenting the appealing pastel colors. The chosen color schemes pleasantly result in lively childlike scenes and manifest elegant features. Moreover, decorating the ceiling and walls with glossy titanium-plated features; splendidly highlights the gorgeous, fashionable, homey circumstance.

Centralize the design ideas with minimalist style; Chiauyi Interior Decoration Design design director Linda Wang works together with the family of five to plan their dreamy home. Set up open-patterned public areas to welcome relatives and friends to gather happily. Furthermore, adopt children's favorite pastel pink and green colors, and select featured furnishings to create unique bedrooms respectively, making each family member owns an exceptional space that is in tune with their desires.

設計手法 Design Techniques

開放空間 喜迎親友

Open-patterned, inviting spaces


Set a gray-tinted glass sliding door to serve as the partition wall between the living room and the dining room on the first floor, effectively blocking cooking oil fume and saving energy. While opening the door, the joined space can accept 20 to 30 people, perfectly satisfying the hospitable family. Additionally, set a functional kitchen island adjacent to the dining table to expand the meal preparation space, allowing children to invite friends home and enjoy baking together.

簡約時尚 充足收納

Minimalist, trendy, functional layouts


Get rid of excessive decoration and take advantage of pastel-colored and plain-textured interior finishes to achieve the minimalist lifestyle that meets the family's aspirations. Embed titanium-plated strips and partially varnish baking finish on the ceiling and walls brilliantly carry out the ultramodern style via the details. In addition, make good use of the awkward spaces to set a walk-in closet and large wardrobes in the main room and secondary bedrooms to store clothes and daily necessities and successfully keep clutter-free situations.

色彩點綴 童趣十足

Colorful, childlike color schemes


The dining table also serves as a study desk. Thereupon, especially select warm beige and vivid orange dining chairs and mount light green baking finish glass backsplash, accompany the young son to read and study with parents in the colorful surrounding. Arrange the two daughters' bedrooms on the third floor and adopt pastel pink and green Morandi color schemes to meet their individual preferences; meantime, revealing the delightfulness and sweetness consistent with their age.


Living-Dining Rooms


Embed two titanium-plated lines into the Ariston Kalliston marble TV wall, adding a delicate luster to its fresh texture. Then, arrange simple grey sectional sofas and a stylish coffee table perfectly agree with the pared-down form and elegant tone of the whole house. Erect a detachable gray-tinted glass door to the display cabinet behind the sofa, dimly creating a transparent visual effect. Moreover, it works in concert with the sliding door of the dining room through identical materials and enhances the layering features of the clean, white space together.


Master Bedroom


The light-colored furnishings in the master bedroom harmonize with the dark wood flooring and finish the wall behind the bed with a calm gray wall covering, ingeniously adopting the mild neutral color schemes to bring about a comfortable sleeping atmosphere. Leave a space between the bed and the French window to utilize as a reading area; moreover, decorate the outdoor balcony so that the householders can enjoy sipping coffee and relaxing in their leisure time.


Secondary Bedrooms


Carefully design the secondary bedrooms to meet the two daughters' distinct preferences. One of the bedrooms exploits balmy wooden veneers and finishes with her favorite Morandi green tinge, successfully revealing the exclusive personality. The other room applies a pastel pink hue and shapes the wall-mounted vanity table, the suspended shelf, and the cabinet handles with arc patterns. Furthermore, outline titanium-plated sheeny lines on the wall behind the bed, brilliantly resulting in a romantic, exquisite feminine ambiance.








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