
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計


撰文者-DECO TV編輯部



Shenya Apartment


This project is a new single-storey residential plan with an interior area of approximately 90 square meters.


The plan was slightly adjusted according to the client's needs in the beginning. The three window-facing wall lines that were side by side were simultaneously moved forward a little closer to the living room. That way, not only did the master bedroom gain an addition of a row of practical tall dressers, but the first wall line next to the living room was also converted into a form with half a wall and a long reading desk, which conveniently creates a panoramic depth with nice neat layers in the public area. A window seat is built into this part, making it a flexible multi-functional zone that can serve either as a study, a studio, a guest room, or a recreational area. It has also become the most thoughtful functional extension of the public sphere.

紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計


The color scheme of the entire house is collected. The materials are selected on the premise that they are healthy, toxin-free, easy to maintain and of high quality. Different materials are used as aides to the distinction of functions and to enrich the visual layers. They include the hexagonal patterned tiles paved on the floor of the entrance paired with the front marble end wall. On the one hand, the barrier goes straight into the view of the kitchen. On the other, it contrasts the wooden floor of the living room and the dining room, which clearly draws the line between the interior and the exterior. Moreover, everything from the segmented look of the cabinets that extend from the entrance to the TV wall to the shelves by the dining table meets the needs of storage and display in the public area. Considering how difficult it is to go out with the ongoing pandemic, a small refrigerator is integrated by the side shelves of the dining table to allow for an instant increase in the foods stored at home.

紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計

紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計


In view of the fact that there is a large beam on top of the backrest of the sofa, gray mirrors are used to cover the edge of the ceiling and under the beam in the living room area to shift the oppressiveness of the mass by the reflection of light and shadows in the mirror. Secondly, in order to prevent the net height from being reduced by unnecessary interior structures, the construction will take an extra week to give support to the height of the ceiling to strengthen the fixing of the mirrors. The master and secondary bedrooms are bathed in the gentle colors of blue-gray and sandy beige, respectively. A custom-made electric dry cabinet for quality goods is set into the wall on the left side of the master bedroom's entrance, which cleverly makes the best use of the limited space.

紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計

紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計
紳雅寓所Shenya Apartment|九日設計

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