柔情繾綣潤透暖宅 煦光流溢景駐美境


設計概念 Design concept


喬治黑羊設計 李家齊 設計師 翻新多隔間的透天房屋、減化其中硬體構築,創造區塊之間的互相對話,使得其中的使用者彼此能有所連結,在留白的場域中,還原量體的彈性利用機能,活化家宅的自在樣貌

Step into the white building, which reveals glossy, airy, and roomy features. We sort out the host's requirements for tone and manner and reply to the hostess's longing for aesthetics, exploit formality stable black hue and rustic balmy timber elements, successfully create a paradise for the family to live happily.

The project is a renovation of a multiple compartments house. We demolish the redundant structure to create open layouts so that the residents can interact freely. And arrange blank spaces for flexible usages of the residence. Thereupon, retrieve the unstrained and delightful features of a home.

設計手法Design techniques

減法守則 締造相融景緻

Minimalist scheme create agreeable scenes


The property owner wants to renovate the former rental suite building and transform it into a private home. Accordingly, we demolish the compartments of each floor to restore the internal structure to its original state. We focus on the vision of creating spatial dialogues, find pleasure inside, and living in an open-concept pattern, which is in concert with the expectations of the householders. We carefully plan smooth moving flow, integrated interior settings, and refined exterior appearance for the whole family to feel joyful and comfortable.

形隨機能 產生連結對話

Form follows function settings bring intimate relationship


The well-planned spacious layout without compartments makes the interaction between various areas more direct and unobstructed. We hope to construct whether private or public spaces where the family members can look after each other. Follow the design principle of form follows function separately arranges elevators and staircases to create smooth moving flow. In particular, we set a large dining table and kitchen island on the second floor to serve as the hub of the house for family gatherings.

慮及未來 運用彈性分割

Adjustable design meet future demands


As the children are still young, we configure the three children's bedrooms close to the master bedroom to meet the requirement of parenting. Moreover, set system cabinets as the partition walls between the bedrooms, which can tear down and transform into other uses in the light of the growth stages in the future.


Exterior appearance


Considering the privacy, we clad the windows with semi-reflective glasses of mirroring feature, which is transparent yet safe. Utilize fair-faced concrete to finish the exterior walls of the first and second floors. And then, paint the upper floors' walls with waterproof white coating, artfully results in the differentiated beauty.


Parlor room


Elaborately, we plan a parlor room on the first floor and furnish elegant lounge features to receive the host's familiar clients. Meantime, set up a large baking varnish glass wall to replace the whiteboard, durable and stylish to satisfy the meeting demand.


Living room


With the preference of the hostess, we set the imposing TV wall of black linear pattern and baking finish texture. Furthermore, assort with coordinated wood, leather furniture, and balmy timber flooring, giving people a comfortable and warm feeling.


Dining area


Because of facing the window with excellent lighting, carefully extend the window frame and set up display cabinets on both sides. The inverted U-shaped woodwork window frame sets off each other with the Carrara white marbling dining table, revealing a leisurely and carefree situation. In addition, the mineral coating column presents vivid texture via light and shadow.




The black quartz countertops go with gray paneling cabinetry, artfully bring well-balanced shades, and shape delightful settings for family gatherings.


Walk-in closet


The detached walk-in closet in the master bedroom possesses dressing, making-up, and ironing features. Moreover, the well-planned wooden wardrobes shape comfortable views.


Master bedroom


Meticulously exploit the gray tinge and linear pattern to bring a lively finish to the headboard and TV wall. Then, we make good use of the nook to set a wooden window couch and white cabinets, echoing the plan of "form follows function". Besides generating the storage space, where also can receive an appealing outdoor view; ingeniously combine the practical usage and aesthetic finish.


Master bathroom


We carefully design the gray-tone bathroom wall of uneven pattern for placing bathing items, which skillfully meet the functional requirement. And stick partial walls with antique tiles imported from Italy to add an exotic charm.


Children’s bedrooms and playroom


We furnish a desk, a built-in wardrobe, and a loft bed to set a neutral gray tone young boy's bedroom with plenty of features. The adjacent girls' bedroom arranges a red-white bunk bed for children to accompany each other. We exploit two-way system cabinets as the partition wall between the children's bedrooms. We also plan a playroom, which can utilize flexibly to fulfill varied purposes in the future.


Children’s bathroom


We adopt the color scheme of pale gray and beige hue to create a refreshing bathroom for the children. And exploit the vivid wavy tile wall of the shower area to lead out a childlike touch.


Study room


We set a large-scale open wall-mounted shelving behind the L-shaped wooden desk in the study, which serves as a home office for the male homeowner. Take advantage of delicate and distinguished design to outline clean and concise situations.


Patio roof


We configure a sunroom on the top floor for drying clothes, which content the hostess's wish. Moreover, set an outdoor aluminum grid shade and arrange green plants, a casual tea table, and cozy chairs to bring a laid-back ambiance.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

房貸版圖大洗牌 信義房屋:農漁會竄起擠下保險公司

房貸版圖大洗牌 信義房屋:農漁會竄起擠下保險公司

台南2月住宅價格指數微升 鄰近高鐵的仁德區漲最高

台南2月住宅價格指數微升 鄰近高鐵的仁德區漲最高

台中5坪套房飆破萬!她崩潰「3年漲好多」引共鳴 房仲同感:租屋市場很變態

台中5坪套房飆破萬!她崩潰「3年漲好多」引共鳴 房仲同感:租屋市場很變態

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

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