純淨木語訴溫情 清淺皓室抒寧靜


設計概念Design Concept


因應此案的非方正格局,八寶美學空間 運用圓弧修飾柱體與斜牆,帶來柔和的視覺效果,公領域則以「聯繫情感」為規劃核心,打造複合書房、視聽室的半開放式多功能房,且在主臥與私人衛浴之間設置更衣室,串連順暢動線,打造兼具機能與美觀的溫馨家宅

The brilliant sunlight falls through the windows of the living room, complements the warm lighting, gently brightening the pure white and woody base tone, revealing a refreshing and minimalist charm. Besides, assort with black coating and simple-shaped iron hanging shelves, enhancing the contemporary features of the space. Thereupon, marvelously bring a tranquil atmosphere to purify the mind.

BABO DESIGN uses arc shapes to dress up the structural columns and slanted walls, skillfully creating a pleasant visual effect of the non-square pattern house. Plan a semi-open pattern multi-functional room that serves as a study and an audio-visual room, successfully achieving the core theme of designing a shared area to bond family affection. Moreover, set up a walk-in closet to smoothly connect the main bedroom and the private bathroom. Eventually, creating a functional, beautiful, and comfortable home.

設計手法Design Techniques

實現需求 開放空間

Open pattern layouts achieve the required needs


Break through the solid wall of the bedroom adjacent to the dining area, and transform it into a semi-open pattern multi-functional room to serve as a study and an audio-visual room, ingeniously meeting the homeowner's requirement of a featured space. Furthermore, set up clear glass sliding doors to connect with the public area and associate family emotions without obstructed partition. Arrange a walk-in closet between the main bedroom and the private bathroom, outstandingly bringing the homeowner's dream come true. The smooth, connected flow of the three domains is agreeable for the residents.

柔和曲線 舒適景緻

Sleek arc patterns create comfy situations


Break through the solid wall of the bedroom adjacent to the dining area, and transform it into a semi-open pattern multi-functional room to serve as a study and an audio-visual room, ingeniously meeting the homeowner's requirement of a featured space. Furthermore, set up clear glass sliding doors to connect with the public area and associate family emotions without obstructed partition. Arrange a walk-in closet between the main bedroom and the private bathroom, outstandingly bringing the homeowner's dream come true. The smooth, connected flow of the three domains is agreeable for the residents.

簡約風格 俐落線條

Concise linear features fulfill the minimalist style


Adopt pure white and wood colors as the accentuate tone of the project. Diminish excessive decorations, and set identical white-tinged storage cabinets and hidden doors to enhance the consistency of interior facades. Moreover, install strip lights and recessed lighting fixtures; then, coupled with black-gray coatings and simple-shaped iron hanging shelves to create plentiful gradations of the space, glamorously fashioning a stylish and minimalist residence.


Entryway and living room


We pave the entryway floor with porcelain tiles to zone out from the laminate flooring in other areas. Then, install featured gray pegboards, which are handy for placing personal belongings. The concise TV wall in the living room assorts with the square suspended cabinet marvelously achieves a harmonious effect of lightness and solidness.


We opt for black and white coffee tables to correspond to the color schemes of the living room and decorate with a living plant and hanging paintings to reveal vibrant charms. In addition, set the two sides of the wall behind the sofa in arc shapes, one side connects the storage-display cabinets of the dining area, and the other wraps the column beside the window, skillfully creating a symmetrical visual balance.


Dining area


We arrange a long bench, a single dining chair, and a golden glass pendant light to bring a plain yet delicate atmosphere to the dining area. Then, continue the arc feature to trim the sidewall; and take advantage of the suspended sideboard and simple-shaped wall-mounted shelf to fashion light and handy looks.


Multi-functional room


We set up a multi-functional space to serve as a study and a playroom and slightly separated it from other areas with black-framed glass sliding doors. Install a magnetic blackboard for the children to draw and play games. In addition, mount a delicate suspended metallic desk and match it with an inky storage cabinet door, artfully adding a tasteful touch to the white-colored interior facade.


Mater bedroom and walk-in closet


The light-grey back wall merrily complements the white headboard, and the suspended leather bedside tables with chic sconces gently create a balmy ambiance in the master bedroom. We install iron-hanging rails and wood dressers in the walk-in closet, which are handy for organizing clothes and correspond to the pleasant situation of the bedroom.


Main bathroom


We opt for terrazzo brick tiles to pave the bathroom floor and extend upward to the wall to link with white subway tiles, bringing varied visual layers. The wooden cabinet below the washstand echoes the timber elements in other areas and brings a warming vibe into the bathing space.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

清5天的高雄「米奇妙妙屋」以1266萬元售出 買家花400萬裝修

清5天的高雄「米奇妙妙屋」以1266萬元售出 買家花400萬裝修

去年賣小坪數豪宅注意 財部:單價達標獲利率調至20%

去年賣小坪數豪宅注意 財部:單價達標獲利率調至20%

陶朱隱園開賣 2億元裝潢費實品屋曝光

陶朱隱園開賣 2億元裝潢費實品屋曝光

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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舊制豪宅出售要多繳稅了 新增單價門檻、設算獲利率升至20%

陶朱隱園開賣 坪價300萬起 以符合市場行情的價格公開銷售

陶朱隱園開賣 坪價300萬起 以符合市場行情的價格公開銷售




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2024 韓國K-DESIGN AWARD 恬適純粹居所勇奪Winner!

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清5天的高雄「米奇妙妙屋」以1266萬元售出 買家花400萬裝修



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