溫潤木質巧築溫馨 歡暢酷玩樂趣人生


設計概念 Design Concept

柔和的曙光青與奶茶色,攜手溫潤木質,一同築起帶有北歐調性的溫馨家宅 ,其間搭配黑色磁鐵牆及鐵件燈具,展露個性十足的輕工業風,艾美幸福設計 許捷甯 設計總監 將母女三人嚮往的居家風情融為一體,呈現家人彼此性格相異,卻又和諧相依的美好寓意。


Adopt pastel tranquil-dawn and milk-tea colors and go with balmy timber elements, peacefully creating a cozy home with a Scandinavian style. In addition, take advantage of the black magnetic wall and rustic iron light fixtures to show the light industrial features. Amy Studio design director Amy Hsu ingeniously integrate appealing, homely charms that meet the mother and daughters' desires and indicate the beautiful implication that even the family member possesses different personalities yet accompany each other harmoniously.

In the post-pandemic era with restricted activities, we have to unleash diversified imaginations of "home." Brilliantly plan the residence with well-lit and roomy layouts, which possess a home gym and a functional kitchen. Moreover, set up indoor rock climbing walls and built-in bookshelves in the corridors, content the householders with a variety of interests so that they can enjoy exercising, reading, and cooking when urged by the government to stay home.

設計手法 Design Techniques

居家運動 攀岩健身

Stay home sports - indoor rock climbing and keep-fit exercises


We make use of the wall at the foyer to mount a pegboard to satisfy the homeowner's need for hanging bicycles. As the householder is fond of physical exercises, we carefully set up an indoor rock-climbing wall and extend it to the ceiling, which is excellent for family and friends to take part in together. We install anti-vibration and noise-cancellation pads underneath the flooring and support the crossbeam with reinforced woodworking to ensure safety. The professional coach designed a slanted wall with free-reassemble climbing holds to set the climbing routes, which can climb to the home gym at the bottom of the house. We also pave the home gym floor with rubber-technical mats to guard against damaging the floor when moving the equipment. Meantime, exploit a large-scale mirror wall to check postures and achieve the effect of enlarging the space.

寬敞廚房 機能豐富

Spacious, well-designed configuration - abundant functional installations


We dismantle the door and a part of the kitchen wall and arrange a large kitchen island that also serves as a dining table to shape a semi-opened kitchen and dining area, skillfully meeting the homeowner's mother's cooking interest and bringing smooth, broad flows. Equip a professional oven below the island, and shape a dirt-resistant and heatproof quartz stone tabletop for kneading dough and withstand the high temperature of the baking pan. Then, utilize a tawny mirror to finish the sidewall, which is handy for writing down the recipes, and pair with a magnetic wall for flaunting the magnet collection from travels.

通透空間 多元收納

Translucent, exclusive space - multi-purposed features


We configure a room behind the living room to serve as the mother's bedroom. Exploit clear and frosted glasses to set the partition wall and equip a roller shutter to keep transparency and privacy simultaneously. Then, fix up a double-sided cabinet with ample and assorted storage features to replace the solid sidewall; the side face to the bedroom is a wardrobe, and the other side is a built-in bookshelf in the corridor. With chairs and stools, it will become a cozy reading nook.

北歐色彩 工業質感

Scandinavian design tone and Loft interior style


Adopt pastel tranquil-dawn and warm milk-tea color schemes for interior finishes, coupled with laminated wooden flooring and system panels, bringing calm and comfy charms of Scandinavian style. In the dining area, the settings of the simple black metallic wall and the vintage kerosene lamp-shaped pendant lights subtly manifest the bold, rustic industrial features. The two contrast yet concordant tones excellently integrate the mother and daughter's favorite elements, showing a harmonious, intimate affection and their unique personalities.


Entryway foyer


Mount wooden pegboards at the entryway foyer for hanging bicycles and organizing umbrellas and masks. In addition, the closet and countertop are convenient for collecting outdoor coats and placing cleansing alcohol, which finely serves as a germ-proof area. Then, install a full- length dressing mirror to expand the space and ease the oppression caused by multifold storage features.


Living room


Arrange a comfortable massage chair in front of the French window of the living room and calmly appreciate the outdoor cityscape. Opt for a light gray sofa that complements the soft cyan TV wall. The built-in storage cabinet by the TV wall fixes see-through display racks, letting the homeowner easily see his favorite knick-knack collections from the corridor.


Kitchen and dining area


Mount a tawny mirror on the sidewall of the kitchen that can write recipes and pair it with a well-chosen mirrored refrigerator, successfully expanding the space. Moreover, installing pop- colored black-white striking pendant light fixtures in the dining area to lessen the heavy metallic feature, bringing a delightful and comfy dining atmosphere.




We take advantage of the removable and adjustable features of the track lights and install them on the corridors to illuminate the built-in bookshelf wall, indoor rock climbing wall, and medals displaying rack. And adopt the homeowner's favorite color to paint a camouflage pattern wall outside the workout room, which also corresponds to her career in the military.




Set up window couches in the mother and daughters' bedrooms to shape restful situations in the sleeping areas. They also serve as vanity chairs and keep the camping equipment inside. Adopt the bluish-green color scheme identical to the public domain for the interior finishes and arrangements. In addition, decorate the master bedroom with unique black auric artwork and the mother's room with gentle landscape painting, which reveals their distinctive character and fondness.






項目坪數:25 坪

主要建材:黑鐵件、磁鐵墻、洞洞板、灰玻、乳膠漆、木件黑烤漆、系統櫃、杜邦石英石、比利時超耐磨地板、美耐板、迷彩漆牆、Gecko King 人造攀岩抱石塊

OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

6月建築融資餘額創高 房貸餘額同攀高點

6月建築融資餘額創高 房貸餘額同攀高點

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

首購、換屋族 躍買房主力

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

創新高 69.5萬戶老人宅75%獨居

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。




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