2022 MUSE Design Awards尤建勳氣勢恢宏喜攬金獎榮耀!

聯合新聞網 OPEN Design


MUSE Design Awards 由歷史悠久的國際獎項協會International Awards Associates(IAA)主辦,以發掘全球設計繆思為宗旨,為建築、室內、時尚等領域提供全面的發光舞台,每年嚴格的評分標準,吸引國際知名品牌與設計師爭相參與。

2022年MUSE Design Awards共收到來自三十八個國家、近六千多份的參賽作品,並由一百一十位專業評審進行遴選,可謂最具影響力的國際獎項之一,而IAA發言人Thomas Brandt指出,「於2022年MUSE大賽勝出的獲獎作品,其精緻程度與作品的完成度及深度,皆象徵著創意及設計行業的最佳表現。」他補充說:「IAA 讚揚所有參賽者對工藝的奉獻,並希望他們不斷用熱情進一步擴大創造力和設計的極限。」

岩築設計 尤建勳 主持設計師 於作品《木築橙染》 中,以沉穩的灰黑白基底,注入企業代表橙色,搭佐線條感豐富的深灰石材和金屬格柵,打造大氣時尚的公司總部,令人驚豔的傑作一舉奪得2022賽事「金獎」頭銜,大展品牌非凡才氣!

岩築設計 尤建勳 主持設計師






2022 美國 MUSE Design Award《木築橙染》–金獎



The geometrical pattern glass curtain wall stands out the orange upside-down U-shaped exterior appearance, brilliantly manifests the grand-imposing and magnificent manners of the corporation. Adjacent to the entrance, adhere the corporate logo to the grating background, which expands the visual angles and becomes a striking focal feature.


Enter the reception area on the first floor; take the safety and durability into account; we exploit splendid, orange, stainless steel batten settings, which symbolize the spiritual pillar of a Japanese-style room, ingeniously indicating the steady and professional essence of the enterprise. In addition, make use of laminated panels with deep-gray artificial marble texture and aluminum trims to finish the back wall and match with the light-colored marble reception counter, artfully resulting in a stylish situation via the contrast colors.


The general manager's office continues the black, gray, and white base tone. Exploit laminated panels with artificial marble texture and glamorous aluminum trims to finish the wall behind the desk; and complement decorative recessed ceiling lights, presenting a stable and grand manner.

OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

建材 建物

