饌香漫染空靈境域 寧和古雅宴饗禪心


設計概念 Design Concept


融貫象徵餐廳品牌的「巢」與沉穩閑靜的「禪」,川沃設計 謝旻軒 JASON 設計總監 結合環保材料和鳥巢周遭的元素,運用石皮、木材與水源構築安寧的饗食空間,期許藉質樸的天然紋理,傳遞自然和人的密切性,同時於門面以現代手法重現古時影壁,搭配後方的轉折廊道,替造訪者隔絕匆促生活中的熙攘,帶來靜心享受美食的恬適。

The gray and white canvas-like walls delicately spread out a small, refreshing square pond, bringing the lush greenery of a Silvery Messerschmidia. This Zen-like scene quietly emerges amid the bustling city streets. The delectable aroma wafts through the alley, enticing passersby to curiously explore: "If one turns the corner of the nest-shaped wall lamp, could it truly lead to a utopian paradise?"

By fusing the symbolic "nest" of the restaurant with Zen-like tranquility, Chuan-Wo Architecture & Interior Design‘s design director XIE MIN XUAN artfully presents a peaceful dining area using stone cladding, wood, and water, integrating eco-friendly materials and elements from the surrounding natural habitats. We sought to convey the intimate relationship between nature and humanity via simple and rustic textures. Additionally, skillfully utilize modern techniques to recreate ancient screen walls at the storefront, along with the turning corridor at the back that provides the guests with a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life and indulge in a comfortable and inviting dining experience.

設計手法 Design Technique

自然紋理 世外桃源

Utopian paradise with natural textures


The building is nestled in a charming, timeworn residential area, where its refined exterior stands in stark contrast to its surroundings. The elegant screen wall subtly announces the presence of the restaurant while cleverly blocking the view of passersby, enhancing the mystery ambiance of the place. Strolling down the corridor, the rustic textures of wood and stone catch your eye, perfectly embodying the brand image and deepening the sense of being in a secluded paradise.

主客交流 以食會友

Socializing over Food with guests


The dining area features chef's counters, thoughtfully designed to accommodate the chef's height while dissolving the boundary between chefs and diners, breaking away from the typical teppanyaki style. Dining is no longer just a simple transaction but an opportunity for both parties to connect and converse over the meal, building friendships that foster meaningful ideas.

恬靜禪意 烘托主軸

Accentuate the Main Theme with tranquility and Zen Vibe


The entire space is adorned with low-saturation colors, allowing the dishes on the table to take center stage and inviting guests to savor their exquisite flavors in a serene ambiance. In the deep dining area, the rough stone wall creates a stark contrast against the orderly square-shaped bricks on the opposite side, beautifully revealing the aesthetics of juxtaposition. The long-shaped bar counter, which exceptionally balances the two areas, embodies the essence of "the golden mean" with its Zen-like tranquility.


The Exterior Appearance


We skillfully employ a significant amount of plaster complemented by wooden ceilings and stone-textured stairs that indicate the interior style to perform a concise and elegant picture. The entrance features a rusted metal slab paired with a nest-shaped wall lamp which subtly captures guests' attention through a harmonious mix of materials and indirectly guides them inside.


The Reception Counter


The simple and classy gray walls, accented with lighting and metal panels, greet the guests at the entrance with a refined surface texture that calms the mind. The adjacent reception counter is crafted from split logs that blend practicality and aesthetics seamlessly, exuding a natural charm.


Dining Area


Gracefully hung four diverse-shaped bamboo pendant lights at the end of the dining area, creating a striking feature, as one looks inward from the entrance. The cooking area features a tabletop exhaust system, creating a spacious and healthy dining environment.








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