複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design






This project involves the renovation of an aged single-storey residence with an actual floor area of about 90 square meters.


The distinctive stylistic positioning is derived from the in-depth observation of the background, preference and personality of the male and female owners, one of whom is a tea expert and the other a western cuisine chef. As a result, the space is frequently interwoven with delicate and sensual Japanese wabi-sabi elements and cultured sentiments without compromising on the structure and order.

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design


In addition to the rustic and natural low-frequency gray scale as the base contour of the whole residence, the circle and arc are the double main visual elements that link the whole project. A metallic functional partition was specially customized at the entrance foyer to separate the interior and the exterior and the geometric composition of wooden low-top shoe chairs, stylistic grilles and round trays reveals a sense of being young at heart as well as well as a thought-out design. The floor and walls of the public area are handcrafted with special mineral paint and the irregular texture evokes a constant “tone” of the place.

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design


The four-meter-long custom-made dining table is integrated with the TV mount. On the left side of the table sits a wooden tea tray, which is not only a comfortable tea area for the homeowner, but also a multi-purpose gathering place for the family to enjoy food, read and surf the Internet. The long table is surrounded by several design highlights, including a high woven cabinet with Japanese teahouse design elements, a semi-circular column to the left of the cabinet, a separate dressing room for the female homeowner in the master bedroom, a delicate inwardly receding circular ceiling and an arched glass sliding door that leads to the kitchen, etc. These highlights are not intended to be ostentatious, but rather to be practical, simple in nature but flexible in expression, all the while being harmonious with each other.

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design


The layout of the bathroom in the master bedroom and the integrated curved wardrobe are also unique, combining precise proportions to ensure a smooth flow of movement and to endow the limited space with optimized and customized functions, while at the same time considering rituals and design tastes, for the ultimate enjoyment of home life.

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design
複方侘寂 Wabi-Sabi|共生制作 KAH design

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