映綠文章 盡享天光、綠意的美式宅邸


撰文者-DECO TV編輯部


映綠文章 Parkview


This project is a newly constructed single-storey residential planning, with an actual area of around 120sqm.


Detailed partial wall lines and door directions have been adjusted due to the original layout being unsuitable for the members’ needs, not only significantly upgrading the functions of the units, but also enhancing the openness and the sense of majestic manner for the overall depth of field. The first step was redefining the foyer region, as the original foyer was large but impractical, blurring the border between the interior and the exterior and the kitchen was unable to form a connection with the dining room due to the excessively long circulation, resulting in well-conditioned but fragmented public domain.


After repeated discussions, it was determined to build a two-sided high cabinet as the border for the foyer by the column extended from the kitchen sink, with the door as the end view, while the other end is used for the placement of the refrigerator and the tea bar, this not only matches the independent foyer with a height difference in the flooring, but the functions of the kitchen and the dining room were also improved relatively, and there was no need to go to the kitchen just for a simple drink.


The living room and the dining room share a continuous window view, while the house is also overflown with copious lighting and greenness as the residence is at treetop height. The public domain is mainly based on warm grey and wooden colors, while the cabinet at the end view and the stylish wall are adequately decorated with classical contours and 3D frame elements to offer different perspectives and elegance; the area extended from the sofa to the window is especially raised a step higher, offering a leisurable corner for sitting and lying down with extra charm.


The directions of the doors for the master bedroom and the secondary bedroom have all been altered; the former one has as extra the exclusive changing room with a powerful storage capacity due to this, while the latter one is also provided with a complete closet and desk functions. The master bedroom with windows on 3 sides is in an L-shape, where the planning for the longitudinal region other than the bathroom was uneasy, in order to obtain optimized sales per unit area and to ensure bedroom privacy, the window facing into the balcony was modified to offer the closed bed head design, while the window on the side was segmented such that one can enjoy the morning and the greenness while still feeling safe when taking a rest, demonstrating meticulous design details and thoughts.

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